Red vs Blue


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Obviously Discord has been a raging success, not only for TEST, but for millions of users! When a disruptive technology emerges, you can choose to ignore it, or adopt it. We adopted it early at the risk of our forums losing traffic. Thankfully we have a strong forum user base made up of individuals such as yourself, so our forum usage continued to flourish, but Discord usage took off like a rocket and continues to have amazing growth!
I totally get discords utility... its awesome and it serves a very useful purpose. All I am saying is to post the schedule on the website... that's all. I really want to join in on the fun, but I don't live in Discord *yet*, and I'd bet many of our members do not either. I do not understand why this is such an issue :)... first thought from everyone is OMG your changing something - no I'm not, post in both places - I like to copy and paste it into my calendar. It is just a suggestion for the decision makers to consider, nothing more. The reason why I am still replying to this thread is the idea got shot down immediately... kinda like what you were saying in an earlier post. What should have been said - CD that is a great idea and the board will consider it during our next meeting... that's all. Done - do with it what you will.

You are wrong about the disagreeing part. If you check my profile, then you would notice that I'm a very active forum member, but still, I acknowledge that other mediums have their purpose.
I know you are active... but you are probably in the top 1% of active people. The rest of us get involved when we want to. That's what is great about test, is we have a huge population of people with different activity levels . Of 17k-18k members how many people from our org are on test discord and "active" at any moment vs traffic to this website.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I really want to join in on the fun, but I don't live in Discord *yet*, and I'd bet many of our members do not either.
You don't have to live in Discord, but you do need to have it running when you are a game with us, otherwise the only way to communicate is by typing in the in-game chat which is tough to do in a firefight.

Also, your previous screenshot showing the sidebar... if you just scroll down one more inch you should be seeing the calendar:

Is it not showing up for you?

Ive had it not load a few times.

If you click that guilded link it takes you to the event calendar, which is exactly what you are looking for!
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