Reddit commits


Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
is it just me or does everyone get people who just want to argue with anything u post on there? It seems like if I say the sky is blue there are two people who swear it is bright red! Just curious if I should just delete reddit or are there just a lot of trolls (if that’s the right name for them)


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
is it just me or does everyone get people who just want to argue with anything u post on there? It seems like if I say the sky is blue there are two people who swear it is bright red! Just curious if I should just delete reddit or are there just a lot of trolls (if that’s the right name for them)
Welcome to the internet.

Also, you are always wrong about everything, even when you are right. ( < thats how internet trolling works)


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
It shows the state of the mental health of the average video gamer who comments on reddit.. or at least OUR SC subreddit.
It's called a Dunning Kruger effect. This I think is caused by a lack of ego crushing experiences growing up.. for example having to work hard to place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd and failing... getting your ass beat in grade school... etc.... This generation from very early 30s to teeangers were given participation trophies and have had a comparatively easy life compared to say living in the 50s and 60s and even the 70s when our parents did. They've always have had the internet and haven't been required to learn that FILTER we learn for in person to person interactions.. or get an ass beating.. in grade school. So.... this is the shit we have to deal with for a very long time.. unless there's something massive that happens that forces/incentivizes change among all these people... because I doubt getting older just by itself will teach people the values that previous generations had.


Space Marshal
Sep 27, 2016
RSI Handle
is it just me or does everyone get people who just want to argue with anything u post on there? It seems like if I say the sky is blue there are two people who swear it is bright red! Just curious if I should just delete reddit or are there just a lot of trolls (if that’s the right name for them)
Everyone is offended by everything today. But i don't think its just related to reddit. It is everywhere on "social media".
We tend to argue with everyone but forget to choose our words wisely.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Open communities like reddit can be extremely kind, productive and helpful. I have seen many examples of strangers reaching out and helping people in need.

At other times they exhibit the worst that humanity has to offer!

It really depends on where you are posting and who the first person to see your post was.

More often than not, the first response can set the tone for everything that follows.

Personally I dont post on reddit much anymore. I used to be extremely active on it, in fact the only reason we are named "TEST" is because of a reddit post (Im making a video on that today).

A big part of what you can expect depends on the attitude of the mods and community leaders. When they give the worst elements too much room, the entire sub devolves towards the lowest common denominator.

Put on too many rules, the sub rebels.

Its a fine balance they try keep.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Open communities like reddit can be extremely kind, productive and helpful. I have seen many examples of strangers reaching out and helping people in need.

At other times they exhibit the worst that humanity has to offer!

It really depends on where you are posting and who the first person to see your post was.

More often than not, the first response can set the tone for everything that follows.

Personally I dont post on reddit much anymore. I used to be extremely active on it, in fact the only reason we are named "TEST" is because of a reddit post (Im making a video on that today).

A big part of what you can expect depends on the attitude of the mods and community leaders. When they give the worst elements too much room, the entire sub devolves towards the lowest common denominator.

Put on too many rules, the sub rebels.

Its a fine balance they try keep.
In keeping with this I really only post on meme subs such as prequelmems and grimdank because its so positive.


Space Marshal
Mar 16, 2016
RSI Handle
apparently because I wanted people to say stuff like this...
from chort0 via /r/WorldofTanks sent 7 minutes ago

show parent

Dude, just give it a rest. You're not a good LT player, nor a good player overall. Other players already make great LT videos, like taugrim and Ilya Red. Yes you have decent stats on the T-100 LT, mostly because you're a one-trick-pony with that tank.

post replyJBO’s Light Tank School

from Echomemes via /r/WorldofTanks sent an hour ago

Aside from bad advice and bad questionable production quality, my eyes hurt from all the mods.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Open communities like reddit can be extremely kind, productive and helpful. I have seen many examples of strangers reaching out and helping people in need.

At other times they exhibit the worst that humanity has to offer!

It really depends on where you are posting and who the first person to see your post was.

More often than not, the first response can set the tone for everything that follows.

Personally I dont post on reddit much anymore. I used to be extremely active on it, in fact the only reason we are named "TEST" is because of a reddit post (Im making a video on that today).

A big part of what you can expect depends on the attitude of the mods and community leaders. When they give the worst elements too much room, the entire sub devolves towards the lowest common denominator.

Put on too many rules, the sub rebels.

Its a fine balance they try keep.
SOTS 16? had to ask. don't kill me @Montoya


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I've had a few trolls try to bait me on Reddit. "oh yeah, well you must be a pussy cause you don't respond to me!" My usual response is some where along the lines of "What speak up I can't here you" When I go silent after a few of their wonderfully intelligent inquiries, they tend to just look for fresh meat and move on.
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