How exactly do they plan on training without a game?
Leader on TS: "Ok guys, everyone imagine you are in formation"
Leader on TS: "Ok FIRE!"
10 people on TS: "PEW PEW PEW PEW"
Leader on TS: "Good job, you got him"
Their training plan is clearly laid out: work in Diaspora and another game they cited until the DFM is released, and then switch operations over to DFM. They want to develop core tactics with core people and then open things up to Flight School for ReddFaction-affiliated Orgs.
Look, they're too hardcore for me as well, and I also think they're taking things too seriously, for my tastes. I have as much fun as the next person making fun of someone else, but I want to speak up about the making fun element. Part of what impresses me about TEST was in Montoya's original
About Star Citizen and TEST Squadron writeup, where he delineated a day in SC within TEST. This is a game that will accommodate a vast array of playstyles, and TEST is an organization that seeks to make room for all of those playstyles.
We're clearly a group of folks who've been attracted by the goofy irreverence of TEST and we're certainly going to look side-eyed at folks who come at the game from a totally different perspective than us, but this plan of Redd Squadron's ain't all that bad, and I agree with chrizz's original statement: "basic training with ReddSquadron. We could become acquainted with the other dudes from Redd and learn some command structures. " Were we to be exposed to their stuff, we might keep some, and we might not use some. We may develop our own stuff. We may choose not to get involved in Flight School at all.
But, you know, if somebody wants to be in Redd Squadron
and TEST, go for it. It would be nice to have a liaison. We don't need to make fun of them or you.
And if they do get a little too caught up in the military sim roleplay and you need to, definitely do say something to our leadership here. 'Cause nobody gets to tell us how to blow our own ships up, dammit.