So far they only divided their defence force from the main organisation. Not really worrying.Good lord why is Reddfaction fracturing itself so much? I am genuinely worried for them.
So far they only divided their defence force from the main organisation. Not really worrying.Good lord why is Reddfaction fracturing itself so much? I am genuinely worried for them.
Still to be honest I feel uneasy. They had a military division already set up. Why make more?So far they only divided their defence force from the main organisation. Not really worrying.
Power/leadership issues. It's always the same no matter where you go.Still to be honest I feel uneasy. They had a military division already set up. Why make more?
That makes more sense the more I think about it. I still don't like it though.Power/leadership issues. It's always the same no matter where you go.
"Why are you doing it like this? That's stupid as hell. I don't agree with it, so rather than try to work through the issue with you, I'll make my own force/MO with blackjack and hookers. "
Drama WILL happen without a doubt. Thing like these just change the time of when the drama will occour.That makes more sense the more I think about it. I still don't like it though.
I honestly hope ReddSquadron becomes a badass group of awesome fighters whom I would be glad to fight alongside but I can't help but have a sneaking suspicion that drama will be inevitable.
Its more sad than anything. Its even more sad due to the fact we don't even have a game yet.That makes more sense the more I think about it. I still don't like it though.
I honestly hope ReddSquadron becomes a badass group of awesome fighters whom I would be glad to fight alongside but I can't help but have a sneaking suspicion that drama will be inevitable.
I was just teasing them. I actually went and read their practice plan before making my post. I was once a hardcore gamer, and I still game alot, but I don't take it as seriously as I use to. I am ok not being "the best" anymore. To be fair though, I bought a joystick / hotas, to get used to the control scheme and build some muscle memory before SC comes out...we are all our own type of crazy.Their training plan is clearly laid out: work in Diaspora and another game they cited until the DFM is released, and then switch operations over to DFM. They want to develop core tactics with core people and then open things up to Flight School for ReddFaction-affiliated Orgs.
Look, they're too hardcore for me as well, and I also think they're taking things too seriously, for my tastes. I have as much fun as the next person making fun of someone else, but I want to speak up about the making fun element. Part of what impresses me about TEST was in Montoya's original About Star Citizen and TEST Squadron writeup, where he delineated a day in SC within TEST. This is a game that will accommodate a vast array of playstyles, and TEST is an organization that seeks to make room for all of those playstyles.
We're clearly a group of folks who've been attracted by the goofy irreverence of TEST and we're certainly going to look side-eyed at folks who come at the game from a totally different perspective than us, but this plan of Redd Squadron's ain't all that bad, and I agree with chrizz's original statement: "basic training with ReddSquadron. We could become acquainted with the other dudes from Redd and learn some command structures. " Were we to be exposed to their stuff, we might keep some, and we might not use some. We may develop our own stuff. We may choose not to get involved in Flight School at all.
But, you know, if somebody wants to be in Redd Squadron and TEST, go for it. It would be nice to have a liaison. We don't need to make fun of them or you.
And if they do get a little too caught up in the military sim roleplay and you need to, definitely do say something to our leadership here. 'Cause nobody gets to tell us how to blow our own ships up, dammit.
The trick is pretending to listen. And then convincing people that what you are doing is for their own good.Thats why TEST's Leadership Follows This Model:
In all honesty though, democracy is the way to go in real life countries but in games they end in horrible disasters with coups and uprisings. This is since unlike in real life there is no accountability so anytime something happens that one leader doesn't agree with he immediately claims "democracy all voices must be heard" and goes off in his own little path. Happened to the last three coalitions/alliances I was in and they were all crippled by it. In games absolute power is just simply the way to go since we need a unified leadership. I know I might sound full of myself when I say this since I am part of the leadership but its simply the truth.
This.This is since unlike in real life there is no accountability
This is a problem as you mentioned! EMP fell apart because lack of a leader. Of course we will have to prepare contingency plans in advance :P And yes there are concerns about hardcore leaders and not really having fun. Think this more as benevolent leadership.The majority of places that I've been in have been absolute leaders who go on power trips and have their groups fall apart because everyone else decides they don't want to take their leader's shit and leave.
shhhh just let it happen :p
Ah, gotcha. They definitely do need some teasing. Hopefully, they can perceive it as such.I was just teasing them.
See, I went the other direction. I am pretty sure that Sloth made the cat his Valentine.Hey, Joe? That's a really disturbing image, surprisingly. Does the sloth end up ripping the cat's head off, or what? Dude's 100% an assassin. Just look at him!
Are your scenario and my scenario mutually exclusive?See, I went the other direction. I am pretty sure that Sloth made the cat his Valentine.
because they have so little to stand on. the game isn't out, and they are putting out so much to attempt to build structure around a non-existant entity.Good lord why is Reddfaction fracturing itself so much? I am genuinely worried for them.
^ThisIt seems there is a subset of people who, absent anything else to compare it to, think that SC is going to be like EVE. While RSI is certainly allowing for many player-driven elements in their universe, I think it's a mistake to expect the same degree of faction rivalry and outright warfare that exists in Eve.
I certainly don't know any better than anyone else, but this just doesn't seem to be being built as a game of thousands of people within extended alliances battling it out for weeks on end.
correct.It seems there is a subset of people who, absent anything else to compare it to, think that SC is going to be like EVE. While RSI is certainly allowing for many player-driven elements in their universe, I think it's a mistake to expect the same degree of faction rivalry and outright warfare that exists in Eve.
I certainly don't know any better than anyone else, but this just doesn't seem to be being built as a game of thousands of people within extended alliances battling it out for weeks on end.