As a frequent lurker and occasional poster who works long hours, I have not had as much time to hop on Discord to find future Test Buddies to play with upon release. Any chance we could get a survey of when members typically play Star Citizen(and other games)? This way I can see who on that list I should humbly request to be their turret gunner or mining buddy! I think other members would find this useful as well. I envision the list looking something like this:
Member Name \ Timezone \ Typical Playdays \ Typical Playtimes
SeungRyul \ Eastern \ Nights and Weekends \ 8 PM to 11PM
Schmunkel \ Central \ Weekends Only \ 9 PM to 12 PM
I think this should come from Seung or Montoya if they think it is a good idea to guarantee the most responses.
Member Name \ Timezone \ Typical Playdays \ Typical Playtimes
SeungRyul \ Eastern \ Nights and Weekends \ 8 PM to 11PM
Schmunkel \ Central \ Weekends Only \ 9 PM to 12 PM
I think this should come from Seung or Montoya if they think it is a good idea to guarantee the most responses.