Saitek sold to Logicrap, what will become of the SC HotAss?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm gonna be blunt here. Who gives a shit. Saitek make shit joysticks and so do Logitech. They can both make shit joysticks together now.

Logitech have the capability of making awesome stuff, or at least their engineering department do - it's the rest of the company that seem to screw it up for them by changing focus, dropping product lines, ending support for no reason. They *could* build some great joysticks. They choose not to currently.

I expect Chris Roberts had Saitek make a star citizen hotas for him, when they tested it they realised it was poop. Hence we have no SC HOTAS yet. Secretly, I expect thrustmaster to sort us out next year. Fingers crossed!


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm gonna be blunt here. Who gives a shit. Saitek make shit joysticks and so do Logitech. They can both make shit joysticks together now.
I completely agree. After trying several others, the only one that isn't pretty shit is the Thrustmaster line with the Hall Effect sensor (T16000 and Warthog). There hasn't been any other brand that is near as accurate. I really tried to make other joysticks work. I spent a ton of time on my X52 setup. I was able to get it much, much better, but nowhere near thrustmaster's line.

Now don't get me wrong, I was able to get my X52 pretty close. We're talking within 5 degrees (3-4ish). However, the thrustmaster came out of the box with 1-2 degrees. It may not seem like much of a difference, but when you are pushing the limits of a dogfight, it really is.

Now that being said, I have historically loved Logitech's stuff. Their MX line of mice have gotten me through at least a decade of gaming. Their ergonomics and reliability is astounding. It is the same with their keyboards. If I hadn't discovered my Razer Naga, Orbweaver, and mechanical keyboards, I would probably still be using their products. When it comes to mice and keyboard, they have always been solid.

So I can only hope that they can reinvent the products they bought with saitek (for 13 million I hear). However, without a major rework, that portion will just be more of the same.
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Space Marshal
Mar 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Logitech stuff has worked for me so far besides the sticky parts (with the Serial Number and Part Number on it), I mean survival wise, for a long ti Including keyboards, and my current gaming mouse. I used my gaming mouse on a Macbook and I've used it on my main PC. No problems, no regrets so far. I've considered getting another logitech gaming mouse too, actually. I have not used a joystick though.

The real trouble starts when you are left handed and need to use a mouse or keyboard. Not left handed, but imagine having a bunch of right boots and no left boots. If you need a left boot (unlike shoes and foot boots, this is particular to being ambidextrous or left handed) you really need a solution.
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