Se the currency type to what the seller wants, you pay the seller what the currency convertor says it is, and then paypal does the currency conversion and automatically charges you as part of the final figure you pay.
It seems like everything in the United States has *some* kind of corn product in it... Yay, government subsidized crops! We have *awesome* priorities in this country.Uah, powdered creamer made of corn :confused: No fun, this allergic crap. I also have a hand full of allergies, but except of cat hair and birch pollen nothing is really life-threatening. We had a death here at an ice bar a couple of years ago when the ice man "forgot" to clean is ice...what is this thing called? Ice spoon? Ice shovle? Anyway, at his spoon were remains of hazlenut icecream - and the customer died a nasty death by suffocation.
Well, a shot of hazelnut cream into the coffee - anyone? :D
They said they were hear to provide disaster relief, and they never left....
I am jealous of your gardens... They are beautiful. Sleep well!Wow, I'm a little bit jealous. I can't offer any beach :( but therefore 100% spring at 25°C which is also not too bad :)
Todays day was full of work in the garden. But tomorrow I'll only do some sports - got a little bit lazy over my bad cough the last days - and barbecue with a couple o' friends in the early afternoon. Will be a good day - beer's already in the fridge and the marinade is ready to go ;)
Have a nice evening! Sleep well
Haha, like our Skoda. :) My ex was in japanese cars, but in my opinion the spare parts are much too expensive. Skoda is quite o.K. - czech daughter of the Volkswagen group - and ours is now 10 years old and still doing good. The spare parts for repairs are affordable and you can bring this car into every garage nearby :)LOL that honda is (according to data plate) painted "Pearlescent Plum" so of course, she's named Plum Loco... a real tryer... almost indestructible... like an Aurora, say... ;-)