SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Hmmm...will need to have a sticky beak at the Grey market again and do some buying!
Have you posted a WTB thread in the marketplace here on TEST. You can usually get ships of of other TESTies for cheaper than on the grey market. I've bought almost everything (not from RSI) exclusively from other TEST members.


Space Marshal
Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't know - perhaps your wife has an answer on that question for you? :p:D;)

I agree, it should be all about fun. In opposite to that I got the impression that especially in Germany there are mostly people who are taking this game more seriously than their real-life. In parts of some discussions there's so much hate expressed; that is really shocking for me. And when there are pirate communities who are complaining about entering, killing and heist the Idris of named targets than I can't see any kind of "fun" anymore in that - at least for the possible victims. And expressing that thoughts of mine, that - looking to the word "fun" - in most cases and in that situation at least two groups should have "fun" with such actions, I only received answers like "since when?" or "don't buy a ship which you can't afford to loose".
Personally I don't like this arrogant and egomaniacally behaviour - but we have to face such, unfortunately. Before this background, and making already some unpleasent experiences in the 'verse, every day I'm happy that there is such group like TEST whos members are all about the fun, taking mostly everything not more seriously as it should be taken ;) :)

I whole heartedly agree. I have more fun working with others. There are unfortunately those people that feel fun has to be competitive, either defeating others or blocking access to something.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey I agree with SAM here, and it's what I've done too. The way I wanted to get all my ships LTI was to buy LTI small ones and then CCU them ingame as I felt I wanted to send as much money in game to RSI as I could (as that's kinda the whole point of all of this) rather than sending huge amounts of dollars to random people around the world via paypal and other associated rip of artist payment methods. Another bonus of this is its much less risky, you spend $3000 on a ship off a random guy other side of the world, you could get ripped off.

Now don't get me wrong, it's all you're money you buy what you like and I salute you jus the same, but that's just how I wanted to do it. I also buy my second hand ships from test squadron forums members (rather than the reddit) even if I gotta wait for them to come up because I want to help and support my fellow testies rather than randoms. If a testie is selling a ship they must need the money.

So if you can grab cheap LTI ships such as P72 (rare) aurora, avenger, reliant, etc of fellow testies and then CCU to as far as you're wallet can handle.....AND THEN A BIT FURTHER AHAHAHA :D


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm trying to learn how to fly and be a good PVPer so I can protect my silly buddies from those no-fun pirates who just want to blow shit up!

I'm all for a pirate who tries to convince someone to drop their cargo without bloodshed, hey that's fun for everyone, the hauler gets a unique interaction and still gets 75% of their profit, the pirate gets a full cargo bay, so they make their share, everyone has fun. but if you just blast someone up, scuttling the ship and cargo at the same time, that's boring. Ohh look at my my combat ship with no cargo space but 20 weapons could take out a barely armed transport, I'm such a badass pirate. pfft, please.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm trying to learn how to fly and be a good PVPer so I can protect my silly buddies from those no-fun pirates who just want to blow shit up!

I'm all for a pirate who tries to convince someone to drop their cargo without bloodshed, hey that's fun for everyone, the hauler gets a unique interaction and still gets 75% of their profit, the pirate gets a full cargo bay, so they make their share, everyone has fun. but if you just blast someone up, scuttling the ship and cargo at the same time, that's boring. Ohh look at my my combat ship with no cargo space but 20 weapons could take out a barely armed transport, I'm such a badass pirate. pfft, please.
If my experience in Elite Dangerous is anything to go by, there will be LOTS of people like that :( :(

I would offer to teach you to fly but at the moment I only have a single seater :o which may be a bit inappropriate :o depending on how far away you're boyfriend is (more importantly how tough he is). :D


Space Marshal
Feb 27, 2014
RSI Handle
If my experience in Elite Dangerous is anything to go by, there will be LOTS of people like that :( :(

I would offer to teach you to fly but at the moment I only have a single seater :eek: which may be a bit inappropriate :eek: depending on how far away you're boyfriend is (more importantly how tough he is). :D
She can get quite rough when you refer to her as my boyfriend ;)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The way I wanted to get all my ships LTI was to buy LTI small ones and then CCU them ingame as I felt I wanted to send as much money in game to RSI as I could (as that's kinda the whole point of all of this) rather than sending huge amounts of dollars to random people around the world via paypal and other associated rip of artist payment methods
Exactly. I spend as much as I can on RSI. Support the game. Keep the funding going.
I also buy my second hand ships from test squadron forums members (rather than the reddit) even if I gotta wait for them to come up because I want to help and support my fellow testies rather than randoms. If a testie is selling a ship they must need the money
This. This is the method I use to supplement my fleet with the odds and sods that I can't get from RSI (missed/past sales etc). Or the odd LTI ship so I can CCU it.
So if you can grab cheap LTI ships such as P72 (rare) aurora, avenger, reliant, etc of fellow testies and then CCU to as far as you're wallet can handle.....AND THEN A BIT FURTHER AHAHAHA :D
*sniffle* The sad story of my wallet. Haha


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm trying to think of sexy names for my Cutlass. But then I thought "If it's a girl, will I get jealous when there's an entire crew inside her?"

Anyways I was watching interviews with Disco Lando and he said "I have a basic package because I want to work my way up in the game." That's also my thinking. I think I'll shuttle people between the TEST BAR and the TEST RAID PARTY. Also, fly around behind the TEST PIRACY ASSHATS and pick up survivors and say "SORRY. SO SORRY." and give our victims rides home. Then charge them fuel and passage rates! Hahaha. Gouge the victim! I'll be like the USA medical system


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm trying to think of sexy names for my Cutlass. But then I thought "If it's a girl, will I get jealous when there's an entire crew inside her?"
*ROFL* I truly *love* your posts @CrudeSasquatch almost every time gives me a laugh :D :D :D

Well, to chit-chat one last time for today: was a quite wonderful evening. Spontanously (hows that spelled, damnit??) we fired up a barbecue; some neighbours came around, lot o'f talking, beer and whiskey and stuff, kids were playing around, doing kids stuff with a small camp fire in the garden. I really enjoy and love those kind of summer evenings, especially if they are sort of unplanned.
Now, 11 p.m. and time for me to go to sleep - at least the alcohol in my veines tells me to do ;)


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
@Sam K your saying all the trouble makers in the game will be German? Figures! LOL :rolleyes: I tell you now though if I had an Idris and thugs tried to board and take it, the self distruct would be on quick smart and Id take everyone with me. Why would anyone give their ship up in one piece?o_O

On a side note, atleast we have our own German spy that speaks their lingo.....hopefully better than her English anyway! LMAO ;)


Space Marshal
Dec 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm trying to think of sexy names for my Cutlass. But then I thought "If it's a girl, will I get jealous when there's an entire crew inside her?"
Now if you had an all female crew...

Anyways I was watching interviews with Disco Lando and he said "I have a basic package because I want to work my way up in the game." That's also my thinking. I think I'll shuttle people between the TEST BAR and the TEST RAID PARTY. Also, fly around behind the TEST PIRACY ASSHATS and pick up survivors and say "SORRY. SO SORRY." and give our victims rides home. Then charge them fuel and passage rates! Hahaha. Gouge the victim! I'll be like the USA medical system
We have a fine medical system it has brought us things like monopolies, MRSA, and price gouging. Not to mention it's big ugly significant other the insurance industry.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
question.....if one was to buy from the grey market (no names) a ship that was upgraded from another.....obviously id be after the end product not the there any impact with this or would you be better off buying the ship that hadnt been upgraded and maybe spending alittle more?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
question.....if one was to buy from the grey market (no names) a ship that was upgraded from another.....obviously id be after the end product not the there any impact with this or would you be better off buying the ship that hadnt been upgraded and maybe spending alittle more?
No impact. Doesn't make a lick of difference, except for the shit you get with the original ship. IE hanger models etc.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Blindowl left the day I bought beer. So I drank both of our share.. Then he woke up early for work. Didn't want to look him in the eye, mostly becaues my eyes weren't working...
anyways, apparently we have a BBQ tonight. I need coffee @Sam K Macer !
Haha,is that why you we're cross-eyed? ;)
Keep it down I can hear you from here. Haha. Drunky the clown. ;)
Oh, and by early for work, he means I left home @ 0200hrs. On a Saturday morning. FML. Lol.
I need a coffee.
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