I wish I had a "must-have". I like most of the ships but I'm not in love with one in particular. I'm still looking for my perfect ship, one that I'll have throughout the game and never let go of. Like Han Solo's Millennium Falcon. My home away from home.
I'm currently at work, not working.
Welcome to my world :D Well, winds are changing. It seems, that the upcoming days are a little bit more "stormy" here in my office. Such means: less coffee talk in here.
Regarding the "perfect ship": honestly, is there one...? Everyone has to decide this for him-/herself. For me, the Connie Aquila was love at first sight. I bought her almost immediatly, knowing that I will never ever melt her. But also nearly from the beginning, I looked onto the 300 series. But tried them in combat, I always found them a little bit sluggish and - looking to the weapons - underpowered. For a loooong time I tried to fly and fight with the Avenger, which has pros and cons. Its a good ship, very fast, but weak manouvering thrusters, with a very powerful nosegun - which, besides, is the one reason I am unsure wether to hold or to upgrade her. Well, I worked a lot with the Avenger, but never was 100% convinced of her. In parallel, I also tried every other ship avaiable. It was
@Rolo who gave me the hint to look for a 350r, which is only available in limited sales. Following that, I bought a CCU on the grey market - and there it was, the perfect ship (for me). Since then, I almost everytime fly the 350r. She is fast, she is manouverable and she has quite good fighting abilities. And she has a bed, which is a k.o. criteria for me.
Its tough to win against a Sabre with her, but it nevertheless is possible - its a matter of training, finally.
Oh, and one last answer regarding the "must have FL MAX": I melted her for having the funds to buy another ship (the Starfarer it was). But it never was a question for me to buy the FL MAX again as soon as the banking account allows it. ;)
Think I need a job like you where I get paid to post on the forum, isn't that winning the lottery? :rolleyes: Just finished downloading 2.4 and will give it a shot soon enough. Think you can take your starfarer for a spin now, I still have to wait for my big ships to take for a ride! o_O Does dying have any impact on anything currently? I'm gathering they will also reset the UEC with everything else on next full patch?
To give you the facts: no, dying has no impact currently. Which means under the line: you *can* pay aUEC for repairs and fuel. But you don't have to. Instead, you just can selfdestruct your ship or just leave the instance; result: you keep your 100% perfect ship (which means no final persistance at all) *and* your money :) My suggestion is, that this kind of persistence - permanent death - will be implemented as one of the last features, because at the end its a question of balancing. And the balancing has - no offence @ CIG - a very poor status but will be one of the last aspects to be finalized before going live. And yes, all aUEC and gained items will be erased at the time, the PTU goes over into the PU.
The original wording you can find on the RSI homepage, your account -> settings -> public test universe:
Disclaimer: All data on the PTU is separate from your real account. Any items, points, ships earned on the PTU will be erased once the testing phase is complete."
What happened to the guilt you felt after splashing on the 350R? talking about buying more ships so soon?
I've not had much time to play on the PTU, reported 3 bugs, one of which has around 300 contributions, so guess I found a good one! The game keeps crashing on me if I use the PU, so I seem to be limited to shopping or 5 min play sessions if I want to play until they next patch it. People who think it's a joy ride where you get to play early don't understand how crashy and unstable it can be! Also there's a disturbing lack of yellow clothing, how's a girl meant to represent?
I think everyone on 2.4 can spawn starfarers, so give one a try if you have a chance, just beware the cockpit glare!
You got the point, but I almost got weak when seeing the Drake. Thus I have to sell the fact to myself that buying a new ship makes no sense at all, despite of the money question. Plus there is the (in my eyes) perfect fleet waiting in my hangar -> no need for investing more money. But there is this strong...unexplainable...*wish* to buy more...to own more...to just wanna posess *more*
I hope, at least for my banking account, that I'm remaining strong and will spend no more bucks to this.
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...
I'm strong, I won't buy anymore ships...