SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Well I'll be similar, do alittle of the PU and then just do other things including Areana commander. There may be some additions from 2.3, persistence and clothing/shopping may be a milestone but in the grand scheme of things there is minimal new offerings. Still the same quests and stuff to do. Once we get more variety with mining, salvage, repair and so on happening, then the PU will get more of my attention. Hopefully since I got a notification from Oculas that my preorder is near ready to ship, I may see it soon in the next few weeks to a month, thats where my time will be going when it comes.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
How was your vacation week anyway? Could you relax a little bit? Its winter time down there, isn't it? Hows winter in Australia? You got snow?


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Last day today unfortunately, back to work tomorrow! :( Suppose it had to happen at some point. Was a nice quiet week which is more my speed these days. Yes Winter currently, just cold and rainy. No snow where I am, that only happens in a few mountain ranges on the East Coast, Australia is overall too hot for snow. Possibly a good thing as I'd imagine doing my job in the snow would be pleasant! You get used to the heat though, you have alot of Europeans that come here for the hot weather but dont think they really understand what 45C days are actually like. Think you have days of 30C in Europe and they call it a heat wave! :rolleyes: Have a good weekend besides your bad SC experiances?


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah, well, 30°C over a couple o' days already is too hot for me (as it is for many people here) :D 45°C - I couldn't imagine how to take such high temperatures. Probably I would die of a heat shock or kind of ;)

My weekend...nothing to speak about. Besides of having 0,0 energy left of doing something, the whole weekend was filled with negative emotions: I slept a lot which then results into bad feelings about sleeping too much. But then I hadn't the energy to do something else. I went for a run, which neither give me better feelings. Then I had these experiences in the verse, which gave me bad feelings twice: first the space idiots and then the negative feelings about wasting even more time. Somewhen inbetween my elder daughter called, not for asking how I am but for asking if I could lend her the 800 bucks caution for a rental flat she has in mind. I - as nicely as I was able of - told her to go to hell and again argued that she can't finance an own flat with a apprentice's pay - in the first year!!...and that she must face the fact that she has to find a shared flat. Well, we didn't came together at all. Finally, yesterday I destroyed our oven in the kitchen which therewith kind of destroyed lunch and gives me the rest...
After drying myself and calming down a little bit, I drank a beer and watched the European Football Championship, Germany vs. Ukraine
*deep sigh* Well, not every weekend can be a happy hooray-kind-of weekend, can it? ;)

No snow during winter - that would drive me away. I *need* cold temperatures at least for a couple of days, snow etc.
Being back on work, doesn't give that some kind of motivation to you? Meet the team again, doing productive things...? I like it to work, being together with the team :)
12.30 p.m. over here - lunch time. How late is it at your location? Must be in the middle of the night, right?
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Hmmm...sounds like you had a forgettable weekend and probably a good thing its over and done with so you can move forward into a better week. I tend to find when things arn't going well, they just continue to head in that direction until you hit the bottom. Just need to pick yourself up and climb back out the hole to a new, bigger and wonderful week to come. There is always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how bad you may feel. You are right about your daughter though, apprentice wages are crap wages and certainly not enough to fund your own appartment with. I remember when I was doing my apprenticeship at $6.50 an hour as a first year and had to live at home with my mum. Couldnt afford to do anything other than that on such terrible wages. But like everything you need to start at the bottom and work you way up to the top. I imagine Germany would have won the soccer game? So you'd be happy about that, unless you were going for the Ukraine? LOL ;) Never understood soccer as a game, not very big of a sport in my country, it tends to be 1 of 3 main sports here, Cricket, Rugby, Australian Rules Football (this isnt soccer). There is too much acting in soccer pretending they were hit which is terrible for that game. All the players need to grow a pair and actually kick the crap out of someone instead to acting it. :rolleyes: Yes 45C isnt pleasant, especially when you have to work in certain conditions like on metal roofs, inside ceilings, welding in the god I've been in situations where I've been dehydrated enough where I couldnt stop vomiting, not good! :eek:


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
@ daughter: I don't know...its this "to want everything but to do nothing"-mentality that drives me up the wall.

@dehydration: that...doesn't sound like its been very healthy, working under such conditions. Is this normal in your job? Or how could that happen? Are you becoming still your monthly payment if you are ill at home?

@ soccer: I'm not into this sports; normally. But during EFC or WFC the games in fact are interesting (in opposite to the German Bundesliga soccer games).

Gotta go to a business meeting. Read ya later!
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Dont think your daughter is alone there, most people these days want something for nothing. She is still young and will mature with wisdom and common sense as she gets older. Until then, she will continue to drive you up the wall! :rolleyes:
Dehydration isnt good but being in an industry where companies problems need to be fixed, you have to fix them no matter the conditions around you. In saying that, in my younger years I was alittle more action before thought in some respect. Like I have said though you get alittle wiser with age. Even with that in mind, job need to be done, need to risk assess how to maximise the safety within reason but still get them done. Being an office plant isnt so bad, atleast you keep out of the rain and heat. :D If I get sick however, depends if it happens at work, if so there is a scheme call WorkCover that will cover medical and wages for a certain period of time depending on what the issue is. If I get hurt out of work hours, I have sick leave like everyone but currently dont have income protection insurance which would cover most of my wage for up to 2 years as long as the insurance company dont find a way to void the policy as they will do if possible. Dont trust these kinds of companies considering a very bad experiance my mum had with them many years ago when she had cancer and they refused to pay for 9 months. Needless to say it cause gigantic stress and financial issues at the time. So in the meantime as long as I hurt myself at work I'm fine! LOL ;) May consider income protection but its expensive at about $2000 a year. Well have a good day, off to bed shortly and back to work again tomorrow, bummer.....:(


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi Sam, hope your day is going well
Thanks Mike, quite okay. Had a nice correspondence with Mog which made my day a little lighter :) Some stress with the boss, but everythings fine so far. Looking forward to the end of the working day, because I'm a little bit tired; went to bed far too late because of the Germans soccer play against the Ukraine yesterday evening.

Hows your day going so far (or - what time is it at your location?)

Can I get hot chocolate in here? >.>
Yeah sure - as long as it can be at least with a coffee bean on it :D

How about this one?


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Thanks Mike, quite okay. Had a nice correspondence with Mog which made my day a little lighter :) Some stress with the boss, but everythings fine so far. Looking forward to the end of the working day, because I'm a little bit tired; went to bed far too late because of the Germans soccer play against the Ukraine yesterday evening.

Hows your day going so far (or - what time is it at your location?)

Yeah sure - as long as it can be at least with a coffee bean on it :D

How about this one?
Looks yummy!


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Dont think your daughter is alone there, most people these days want something for nothing. She is still young and will mature with wisdom and common sense as she gets older. Until then, she will continue to drive you up the wall! :rolleyes:
Dehydration isnt good but being in an industry where companies problems need to be fixed, you have to fix them no matter the conditions around you. In saying that, in my younger years I was alittle more action before thought in some respect. Like I have said though you get alittle wiser with age. Even with that in mind, job need to be done, need to risk assess how to maximise the safety within reason but still get them done. Being an office plant isnt so bad, atleast you keep out of the rain and heat. :D If I get sick however, depends if it happens at work, if so there is a scheme call WorkCover that will cover medical and wages for a certain period of time depending on what the issue is. If I get hurt out of work hours, I have sick leave like everyone but currently dont have income protection insurance which would cover most of my wage for up to 2 years as long as the insurance company dont find a way to void the policy as they will do if possible. Dont trust these kinds of companies considering a very bad experiance my mum had with them many years ago when she had cancer and they refused to pay for 9 months. Needless to say it cause gigantic stress and financial issues at the time. So in the meantime as long as I hurt myself at work I'm fine! LOL ;) May consider income protection but its expensive at about $2000 a year. Well have a good day, off to bed shortly and back to work again tomorrow, bummer.....:(
Good night, sleep well. :)

Yeah, reading this, I feel reminded of how perfectly secured we are living here in Germany. Everyone has the right for a doctors visit, and for sure everyone gets continued payment by the employer or lateron so-called "sickness payment" by our statutory health insurances - for at least 12 months!
But we Germans, what do we do? Complaining and Whining. We are masters of complaining. As an author once wrote:
Germans love to complain. Indeed, if you listen closely, it seems as though the country is about to completely fall apart by day's end.

And he summed up finally:
So when you go to visit Germany, don't even try to understand what Germans are complaining about. Just listen, nod, and order yourself another delicious beer.
Nothing to add. Cheers!
Sam ;)
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks Mike, quite okay. Had a nice correspondence with Mog which made my day a little lighter :) Some stress with the boss, but everythings fine so far. Looking forward to the end of the working day, because I'm a little bit tired; went to bed far too late because of the Germans soccer play against the Ukraine yesterday evening.

Hows your day going so far (or - what time is it at your location?)

Yeah sure - as long as it can be at least with a coffee bean on it :D

How about this one?
10:00 AM here, my day is just getting started. But it looks like an easy day, tonight is where I gets harder. My daughter (age 9) is going to help me mow, work on dinner and put up a pool this evening. then if we have time she wants to go for a bike ride. Will be a busy but fulfilling evening.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Yes! so much yes! haha
Haha, I knew it (would like to eat one piece either - RIGHT NOW!) :D
10:00 AM here, my day is just getting started. But it looks like an easy day, tonight is where I gets harder. My daughter (age 9) is going to help me mow, work on dinner and put up a pool this evening. then if we have time she wants to go for a bike ride. Will be a busy but fulfilling evening.
Huh, sounds like it is Sunday? Or are you having some kind of vacation?
[edit]Ah, I overread: she is helping you at your working place...?
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Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Haha, I knew it (would like to eat one piece either - RIGHT NOW!) :D

Huh, sounds like it is Sunday? Or are you having some kind of vacation?
[edit]Ah, I overread: she is helping you at your working place...?
no, she is at home on summer break while I am slaving away here at eth office. I got to do all this tonight after 5:00 pm. She is daddy's girl and loves helping me


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Cool, that means you made some things damn right. I can't say anything like that towards myself :( Well, second chance is the 9years old boy, who like at least helping in the garden; of course against a fee :D


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think coffee is needed. Coffee always helps...right?

Here you go Sam. Get stuck in.

Wait!! What are you....?!!!! To the coffee!!! I meant the coffee!!!!!!
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