Selling 485 dollar bundle for 400 or less


May 28, 2020
RSI Handle
so im pretty confused on what it is called im selling but basically

about a year back i got alot of birthday money and came across the game star citizen, it looked super dope and all my friends had already heard of it and they kept telling me how cool the game is, i broke under all the pressure and started "small" by buying the drake loot and scoot bundle. i really fell in love with star citizen and the next couple of days a new ship came out called the 600i touring, it was pretty good timing because i was craving a bigger ship and i spontaneously spent the rest of my money on the 600i touring.

so fast foward a couple months / year later

i grew out of the game it felt like and the people i was playing with also stopped.

i had a ever growing guilt almost that i spent 485 dollars on a game i dont even play anymore and i was just thinking of tons of ways to either i guess sale my account or do something.

i just found out today by a few nice test squadron members that i should at least attempt at saleling it on the test squadron marketplace.

so enough with the sob story lol.


idk anything about marketplace saleing or anything on how much this should be worth but i really wanna get rid of it.

this image above is what im trying to sale. im hoping to get 400 for it but im willing to talk down a bit.

if there is any other additional info i need to include please inform me of it.

im willing to give the account if thats what you want or im willing to gift it to you.

i know you have probably never even heard of me and its sketch how some random dude is trying to sell shit on there community marketplace and i apologize for that.

if you are interested message me on discord at lebowski#0003

this is my first time ever trying to sale something of the scale ever so please inform me if i should do something different lol

have a good day and im really hoping i can fill the hole of me spending so much money on a video game i dont play.


May 28, 2020
RSI Handle
Hope you will get what you ask for it !
Its amazing the amount of money you can sink in this game. I dont want to think about it, because if that happen to me also, i dont know how i will sell all my stuff :)
lmao its a crazy cool ass game, ive never made such a big purchase so spontaneously in my life lol
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