Hello TESTies (or TESTes whatever floats your spaceship)!
Its been an awesome summer and we are starting pick up energy after a rather lethargic summer! I hope everyone had a great summer (I know I did with my folks in Korea) and with the cold months ahead I look forward to playing with you all in games!
Personally I have just moved into a new apartment and still getting things set up (I don't have curtains in my bedroom so at night I do sort of a Las Vegas carnival etc. etc.....) but now that I have internet I should be able to hang out with you all in the forums and TeamSpeak (and also keep improving our forums).
My new setup in the apartment.
Our woefully horribly chaotic organization keeps growing at a rapid pace and I dread having to go through all the member introductions to personally welcome you all to our merry band of misfits (jk I love them all and read them all). Here are few projects that we are working on for you all to drool over:
- Krystal's Awesome Home-made Head Trackers (KAHHT or as I like to call them....cats...haha...right guys??).
Doesn't look like much...but damn they work well!
Krystal who hangs out often on our TS server has put together these awesome $30 head trackers for you all to twist your neck spin while playing Arena Commander so be sure to inquire him about them if interested. (And no medical insurance for twisting your neck is not included in the package). I think there is currently a backorder on them since Krystal putting these together individually but he is still accepting orders last I heard!
- Super Spectacular Saturdays/Sundays!!!!!
What is TEST without SUPER SPECTACULAR SATURDAYS? We plan to get these back on track now that you all are back from boring real life. Who knows if 0.9 Patch ever hits we may even play Star Citizen during these weekends....I know! Revolutionary!! Hold your breath for more announcements to come!
- Monthly Donations!
Due to your rampant support (and we are truly humbled by all your guy's graciousness), we have increased the monthly cap for our donations to $200! As detailed in our donation goal page, we have been lately using the funds to help TEST members spread the good faith while at conventions! For example at Gamescon we were able to buy Seiivo a cool TEST shirt and glowsticks! If you are a TEST member looking to go to these conferences, don't hesitate to contact us so that we can make you stand out!
Seiivo with someone at GamesCon
So What Now?
Well expect things to pick up over the next few weeks as we get back into high gear and don't be shy about volunteering to do things in TEST! I know we have guys who want to set up a Airshow type of division, racing division, diplomacy, anti-spy, spy, anti-anti-spy, fish breeding, barkeepers' association, etc. :)
Oh an on that point...Do we have any individuals who are willing to help us with the following?
- Propaganda Art/Photoshop/Montoya's Makeup Team
- Video Editing/Animation
- Coding cool little applets
Whew...that was a huge update but I hope you all enjoyed the latest news in the org! First 10 people to reply to this post get free internet beer!
tl;dr TEST is Best.
Your Truly,
Seung and the rest of the dysfunctional TEST Team (and some random hamsters).
Its been an awesome summer and we are starting pick up energy after a rather lethargic summer! I hope everyone had a great summer (I know I did with my folks in Korea) and with the cold months ahead I look forward to playing with you all in games!
Personally I have just moved into a new apartment and still getting things set up (I don't have curtains in my bedroom so at night I do sort of a Las Vegas carnival etc. etc.....) but now that I have internet I should be able to hang out with you all in the forums and TeamSpeak (and also keep improving our forums).

My new setup in the apartment.
Our woefully horribly chaotic organization keeps growing at a rapid pace and I dread having to go through all the member introductions to personally welcome you all to our merry band of misfits (jk I love them all and read them all). Here are few projects that we are working on for you all to drool over:
- Krystal's Awesome Home-made Head Trackers (KAHHT or as I like to call them....cats...haha...right guys??).

Doesn't look like much...but damn they work well!
Krystal who hangs out often on our TS server has put together these awesome $30 head trackers for you all to twist your neck spin while playing Arena Commander so be sure to inquire him about them if interested. (And no medical insurance for twisting your neck is not included in the package). I think there is currently a backorder on them since Krystal putting these together individually but he is still accepting orders last I heard!
- Super Spectacular Saturdays/Sundays!!!!!

What is TEST without SUPER SPECTACULAR SATURDAYS? We plan to get these back on track now that you all are back from boring real life. Who knows if 0.9 Patch ever hits we may even play Star Citizen during these weekends....I know! Revolutionary!! Hold your breath for more announcements to come!
- Monthly Donations!
Due to your rampant support (and we are truly humbled by all your guy's graciousness), we have increased the monthly cap for our donations to $200! As detailed in our donation goal page, we have been lately using the funds to help TEST members spread the good faith while at conventions! For example at Gamescon we were able to buy Seiivo a cool TEST shirt and glowsticks! If you are a TEST member looking to go to these conferences, don't hesitate to contact us so that we can make you stand out!

Seiivo with someone at GamesCon
So What Now?
Well expect things to pick up over the next few weeks as we get back into high gear and don't be shy about volunteering to do things in TEST! I know we have guys who want to set up a Airshow type of division, racing division, diplomacy, anti-spy, spy, anti-anti-spy, fish breeding, barkeepers' association, etc. :)
Oh an on that point...Do we have any individuals who are willing to help us with the following?
- Propaganda Art/Photoshop/Montoya's Makeup Team
- Video Editing/Animation
- Coding cool little applets
Whew...that was a huge update but I hope you all enjoyed the latest news in the org! First 10 people to reply to this post get free internet beer!
tl;dr TEST is Best.
Your Truly,
Seung and the rest of the dysfunctional TEST Team (and some random hamsters).