Sex Survey

How much sexual content should we allow on our website? Or, more specifically in the Testie Times?

  • 1) Any amount, XXX is OK.

    Votes: 28 54.9%
  • 2) Some monitoring of language, you should star some words like f*ck, artful bare breasts are OK

    Votes: 9 17.6%
  • 3) My adolescent is reading this, star words like t*ts and p*nis, some mildly provocative pics

    Votes: 7 13.7%
  • 4) My 10 year old reads this, only implied sexuality is OK.

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • 5) My 5 year old reads this, no mention of sex is appropriate.

    Votes: 3 5.9%

  • Total voters
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
This is an attempt to gauge how much sexual content is appropriate for our viewers. Be honest, give examples of what you think is appropriate and what is not. I will do a follow-up survey to fine tune the results, if necessary. This is not to discuss sexism, men and women are fair game! In your reply, say your sex and if necessary the ages of involved children, if you would.
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
If I find most of the responses are "2", I will expand that area of the survey on follow-up.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Elucidate please give examples. I will do a follow-up survey. What words and pics are OK?
I think my problem with the wording is that it joins both the written and picture content together. I'm not sure about any forum rules that prevent posting nude or sexual pictures, but I don't think I've ever seen one. On the other hand, there is often liberal use of swear words without any use for asterisks to block letters as we're all adults here.

My question would be, why would the Testie Times require the use of pornographic or artful nudity?

I'm perfectly fine with swearing, I believe most people here are, but I don't think there's a forum rule against it. You may want to look and see if there are rules against nude pictures.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
The occasional full nude pics with some style to em, think like pics in PlayBoy and such. I don't think I need to see anything that leans more in the pornographic direction, we have the Internetz for that! What I'm trying to say is full on vagina closeups and such might be over the line for these forums. For the newsletter, I think you should go with artful breast shots and such at most, as someone opening it at work might get in trouble without knowing it.

(I have a very strong opinion on such retarded nazist workplaces, and I don't think TestSquadron should be one of them)


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
this n00b expresses where we're at perfectly
Im Dan, a 46yrs old swede that misses the time that I really had the RL time to go hardcore nerd on a game...
we are all Dan

if it would titillate you back when you 'had the RL time to go hardcore nerd on a game' then go for it


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I think my problem with the wording is that it joins both the written and picture content together. I'm not sure about any forum rules that prevent posting nude or sexual pictures, but I don't think I've ever seen one. On the other hand, there is often liberal use of swear words without any use for asterisks to block letters as we're all adults here.

My question would be, why would the Testie Times require the use of pornographic or artful nudity?

I'm perfectly fine with swearing, I believe most people here are, but I don't think there's a forum rule against it. You may want to look and see if there are rules against nude pictures.
The occasional full nude pics with some style to em, think like pics in PlayBoy and such. I don't think I need to see anything that leans more in the pornographic direction, we have the Internetz for that! What I'm trying to say is full on vagina closeups and such might be over the line for these forums. For the newsletter, I think you should go with artful breast shots and such at most, as someone opening it at work might get in trouble without knowing it.

(I have a very strong opinion on such retarded nazist workplaces, and I don't think TestSquadron should be one of them)
So what I.m hearing is you guys fall at about 1.5-1.75 ?


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
This triple X thread has like zero nudie pictures...
I don't blush easy, so I don't personally care. But I won't commit to putting asterisks in swear words because I don't see the point unless you are trying to swear and bypass some automated censor program. Just strikes me as a silly thing to worry about.
That said, I don't plan on uploading anything particularly sordid... yet.
And asterisks killed my parents and now I need kung fu lessons to avenge them.
(kidding, again)


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
We seem to be developing a split, if those of you with the more conservative options would care to elucidate, that would help.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I would have to ask, and it's nothing to do with being conservative, but why would we even need odious amounts of swearing and XXX in a newsletter?

Montoya manages to get through his videos without constantly effing and blinding. I am sure test times can do the same?

I'm not a prude, I'll tell you to fuck right off if you deserve it, but I don't use the word fuck in every single paragraph I utter. Swearing is only needed when it is severely required, so many youngsters justv swear for no reason, it used to mean something!!!!

*dodders off with walking stick muttering*


Space Marshal
Jun 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I personally haven't seen anything too offensive on these forums yet that has me wanting to call my local priest. That said, I think there's a place for everything on the internet and seriously graphic images have their own address. Maybe some sort of creative Test censorship? Auroras covering nipple/sensitive areas with a link to the full image as created by the "artist". Also, when the next 2 girls one cup shows up, I expect to be informed from some of my "nerd posse" first.


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
'm not a prude, I'll tell you to fuck right off if you deserve it, but I don't use the word fuck in every single paragraph I utter. Swearing is only needed when it is severely required, so many youngsters justv swear for no reason, it used to mean something!!!!
What if someone said you couldn't do that? I'm not talking about salacious sex. Clearly, none of us want this to turn into a sex forum.
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
This is the Image that started the discussion. The worst word in it is "sex", and no sex organs are uncovered, however, if your kid saw this you might need to do some explaining.
This is a meme made by me:
We don't have the option of doing Spoilers in the Testie Times.
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Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
To add a bit of clarification here, this is my fault lol. We were discussing where the line needs to be regarding "adult content" (heavy quotes there. we're not putting space porn in). My initial inclination was to play it safe and keep things closer to "PG-13" rather than "R" when it comes to art. Are suggestive, but not pornographic, images going to be received well by most people. If we want to post this to the RSI forums, will it be off putting? Are bikini's ok, but hand-bras too suggestive? I don't believe there is a need to censor language and if we needed to censor that we'd just edit the text before release and no one would know it was there to begin with.

We're not discussing having anything like Playboy or Hustler included. The intention is definitely to "come here to hang with a bunch of nerds talking about internet spaceships". But, if the content is tasteful, respectful, and not graphic or explicitly adult, should we be willing to consider it for inclusion?


Space Marshal
Feb 2, 2015
RSI Handle
For the website/Discord:
We are all adults I believe right? We are all of drinking age. But we do have a lot of people that tend to have different opinions and points of view. In my line of work I see a lot of undesirable naked people and have had a internet connection since I was 10 years old so things like nudity and cursing do not offend me but they might to someone else. I would just say know who you are hanging around with and if you are going to put anything that could be NSFW label it as such.

For The Testie Times:
Something like that posted up on RSI/Here represents the guild so I would say go as far with it as Montoya would allow.
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