Ship Database


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Not sure if this is really gospel, but it is the best source for ship stats that I have been able to find: Star Citizen Data Base

I got started on looking for this when people were complaining that the Cutty Black was getting one shotted. Also, was wondering which would be a better overall ship, one that can pretty much perform a variety of tasks.
For small ships, it still seems like the Avenger Titan is the best bang for the buck.

I had a few folks that were new to the game asking which would be the best upgrade to their Aurora's (Of course Aurora's are love, Aurora's are life. But I digress). So I was steering them towards the Avenger Titan.


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Indeed they will, but this site seems to keep up pretty well with the patches as they come out. It is at least something to work with atm.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Also, was wondering which would be a better overall ship, one that can pretty much perform a variety of tasks.
For small ships, it still seems like the Avenger Titan is the best bang for the buck.
Keep in mind that CIG deliberately limits the place of true multi-mission type ships so that players will buy more than one ship. It is rare to find a ship that can do many tasks well. Yeah, the Titan can do many tasks passably, but it doesn't do any of them really well. It is designed however, to be just what you're talking about and I would certainly choose it over the Aurora and Mustang. Next patch the Reliant gets its upgrade and if they restore the bed and make it long range as promised, it will be worth another look see. Two person ships provide serious advantages. As is, no one wants that ship, despite how cool the variable geometry is, so expect some very nice changes.
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