Ship prices in UEC


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh, don't get me wrong I agree about bigger ships. Anything above a Cutlass or a Lancer should not be cheap to get and the Lancer and Cutlass should require a relatively decent time investment.

Anyway thanks for having a civil and constructive discussion with me. I was away from the game for a while and went and got involved in some spectrum debates... That place is cancer pure and simple. The first ounce of criticism and you get branded a hater by the knights in shining armor defending CIG with their lives... It's quite pathetic to watch AND it's harmful for the game.

In fact any form of blind loyalty hurts a project more, in my opinion, than offering a bit of criticism. Even if it's erring on the side of hate. I'd rather people hate and criticize me than have them so far up my ass I feel like a puppet. But that's just me I guess... And the majority of folks on Spectrum, it seems, are so far up the ass of Chris Roberts and his employees that they get a live feed on what those people are doing.
debates should always be civil especially with fellow members of the same guild. people will always have different opinions and sometimes we all should see both sides of the puzzle. This thread really got some good info in it and good theories. Hopefully CIG can find the right algorithm to meet everyone in the middle. Ive just seen to many games go sour due to being to easy and having nothing to work tword. once you get to the end things start to get repetitive if there is no grind. games need progression and difficulty levels in all fashions. I have always enjoyed challenges and thrive on dieing in games as it makes me a better player in the end even if i end up going at a slower pace than someone else in the game. One day i'll catch up with them thats all you really have to think about. It shouldn't be a competition to see who can get to the top first.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I really hope there is no top. It is my hope that we will always have another base to raid or defend. Another planet to explore and all the while returning to Wolfs pleasure palace to share the stories of our adventures over good drink.

I think more important then the cost of ships is the upkeep cost of ships and the strengths and weaknesses of each ship so that no matter what ship you fly it has a purpose as all MMO's end with a gluttony of wealthy players.


Space Marshal
Oct 15, 2016
RSI Handle
The payouts for missions will also increase with better Reputation with the Mission Giver, this was your First Mission with that NPC the next Mission may well payout 20,000 and Up and Up. It should take a single person a few weeks to earn the UEC for a small Cap ship and Months to get a Large Cap IMO. Of Course a Org with over 17K members =could probably do it in a week or 2.


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
We were in the right ballpark when we did the theorycrafting a couple of years ago:

Prices quoted in the Citizencon stream (prices aren't set in stone yet, and there will be fluctuation):

Hammerhead - 21,429,600 UEC
Prospector - 1,620,750 UEC
Origin 85X - 616,000 UEC
Aurora - 220,900 UEC
Mustang - around 100,000 UEC (off the top of Chris's head)

Reward for what was probably a 30 to 40 minute mission was around 4,000 UEC (400 of those to buy a Prospector, 25 to buy a 100,000 UEC ship)
BTW, I am not sure if I have already post it.

But I detected that renting ship REC prices are 33.33 times less than the UEC price in game, so we could say that an 600i cost 17 to 18 millions (I can not give exact numbers as now the game do not show the REC prices)
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Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
I also don't want "Commuter Citizen". They thought we'd really enjoy waiting for the train for a 5 minute commute.
Remember how fun it was in WoW, for example, when you took a flight path across the continent and you could literally go make a sandwich and write your Ph.D. thesis while you waited to get to where you actually wanted to be? I don't either.
personally I like the long waits, because if you end up somewhere far, you really are somewhere else and far away, it adds to that feeling you have gone somewhere, and makes it more meaningful. However I can see it being an issue in cities if you have a 1 hour play session and can't get anything done within 1 hour that's fun.


Nov 28, 2018
RSI Handle
Do not be concerned with current ship prices, especially starters.
IMHO, it is just a part of their marketing tactics. CIG is a corporation, and like all corporations their primary goal is to maximize revenue and growth. In the case of SC (currently), it is to maintain operations until completion of the game.

At the current state, SC has only 1 silver bullet for marketing, it is the concept that purchase ships now and weep the enormous rewards later. To keep this perspective fresh in backers, they need make Alpha ships very time consuming to obtain. Would you pay $155 for a Prospector if you could purchase this in aUEC after 8 hours of game play? But, if it took you 1 month of playing to purchase the same Prospector, you would seriously consider just paying for it so you can start your mining career as soon as the game launches.

Once SC launches, it is a different story. They will then have multiple silver bullets for marketing, most noticeable are the great visuals and realistic of the sim. At this point they will naturally cater to the majority (timely upgrades on ships) because they have an actual game vs an alpha.


Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
Do not be concerned with current ship prices, especially starters.
IMHO, it is just a part of their marketing tactics. CIG is a corporation, and like all corporations their primary goal is to maximize revenue and growth. In the case of SC (currently), it is to maintain operations until completion of the game.

At the current state, SC has only 1 silver bullet for marketing, it is the concept that purchase ships now and weep the enormous rewards later. To keep this perspective fresh in backers, they need make Alpha ships very time consuming to obtain. Would you pay $155 for a Prospector if you could purchase this in aUEC after 8 hours of game play? But, if it took you 1 month of playing to purchase the same Prospector, you would seriously consider just paying for it so you can start your mining career as soon as the game launches.

Once SC launches, it is a different story. They will then have multiple silver bullets for marketing, most noticeable are the great visuals and realistic of the sim. At this point they will naturally cater to the majority (timely upgrades on ships) because they have an actual game vs an alpha.
however, end game ships will still be a serious commitment to get ingame for balance reasons, but the path from one starter to the next etc.. will be more fluid of course.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
My take away from this is that if you don’t yet have your ships from the Polaris upwards, aim to obtain them before the game starts.

You may not care, which is perfectly reasonable, but don’t anticipate being able to obtain them in-game on your own.
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Grand Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
RSI Handle
My take away from this is that if you don’t yet have your ships from the Polaris upwards, aim to obtain them before the game starts.

You may not care, which is perfectly reasonable, but don’t anticipate being able to obtain them in-game on your own.
You don't think someone, could potentially just be REALLY good at making money in the game and get them on their own ?

people in Eveonline used to say stuff like that until eventually people were buying their own titans and making them all over the place. Never mind fitting them usually cost twice as much.
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