Almost the same here.It's been snowing for a month already here... in Canada
I bet 2 beers on the first of December.
Where are you then?Almost the same here.
In the northern parts of Dalarna. I did not mean that it has been snowing almost a month here... more like we have had snow for a long time here.Where are you then?
Gothenburg has had snow for... 2 days :P
Aaaand now it's raining away (Not even joking. Have to stay true to the stereotype of the city after all)
It's going to sound like a "humble-brag" but I'm actually not's 77 degrees and sunny here...I wouldn't mind about 2 weeks, max, of winter, but we are supposed to have record highs going into the weekend. It doesn't feel like Thanksgiving...
December 1st - After the Thanksgiving holiday.Any guesses?? :grinning:
Thinking like a true TESTie :)Yesterday, definitely yesterday...
Bring it on! I OC'd my 7700k just for the snow. I figure the inevitable fire will keep me warm and add to the ambience.Tis the season to make CPUs cry.