Sitting in the Dentist chair drill running and on these forums.... Now that's dedication !!
CitizenX Space Marshal Jul 16, 2014 108 139 2,220 RSI Handle Citizen-X Aug 4, 2014 #21 Sitting in the Dentist chair drill running and on these forums.... Now that's dedication !! Reactions: SeungRyul
R rtmoose Captain May 28, 2014 86 23 185 RSI Handle rtmoose Aug 6, 2014 #22 o hi this thread is obviously about me /me basks in your adoration
SeungRyul Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters Staff member Donor Oct 30, 2013 2,341 5,156 2,930 RSI Handle Citizen404 Aug 7, 2014 #23 CitizenX said: Sitting in the Dentist chair drill running and on these forums.... Now that's dedication !! Click to expand... I need my wisdom teeth removed, can I get discount? I don't mind that you sanitize your tools with beer.
CitizenX said: Sitting in the Dentist chair drill running and on these forums.... Now that's dedication !! Click to expand... I need my wisdom teeth removed, can I get discount? I don't mind that you sanitize your tools with beer.
Reverend Hakuga Captain Jul 16, 2014 26 26 210 RSI Handle Reverend Hakuga Aug 8, 2014 #24 Ynow who -isn't- one of those good new members? That Reverend guy. What a dick!
Montoya Administrator Staff member Oct 31, 2013 10,141 56,036 3,180 RSI Handle Montoya Aug 8, 2014 #25 Yeah, with that stupid shibe avatar, what is this? 2013?
SkippyLeDoo Lame Title Nov 16, 2013 523 478 1,930 RSI Handle SkippyLeDoo Aug 8, 2014 #26 Seriously, who uses stupid weird animals as their avatars?
UPGRAY3DD Vice Admiral Donor Jan 26, 2014 125 52 470 RSI Handle UPGRAY3DD Aug 8, 2014 #27 If i wanted good, i would have joined a squadron that doesnt focus on ramming their auroras into others. Btdubs, ramming is way harder to get a kill in multiplayer than I anticipated.
If i wanted good, i would have joined a squadron that doesnt focus on ramming their auroras into others. Btdubs, ramming is way harder to get a kill in multiplayer than I anticipated.
[EGTID]Killbuni- Captain Jun 23, 2014 240 53 230 RSI Handle Killbuni Aug 8, 2014 #28 What Skippy said :D