Some thoughts on the RSI Galaxy for $350


Space Marshal
Mar 4, 2020
RSI Handle
The warbond version is priced nicely.

530$ that's already a nice rebate.

I had a coupon from Imperator sub, so mine was 430.
In comparison, the best I can do with CCU for a standalone Galaxy with LTI is 140$, and if I add the concierge paint + all modules 10y/i that I would need to buy separately, that's 393$.
So 430$ is not bad in the end, with full LTI for everything.


Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Is this CNN above? Fake News! I say! Fake News! Jax staged this to ramp up support for the move to Pyro. I’m sure the authorities will shortly announce huge bounties available to return Jax “dead or alive” with greater payment for the former.

Who was taping Jax? This is obviously a fake flag operation. Did you notice with all that shooting, no-one was hit? Fake News!

Still, who doesn’t want that bounty, especially if it comes with a free Galaxy to the first finder?

Find Jax! You know he’s still alive!

Is 3.18 and Pryo set for Q1, 2023 or will they sneak it in this year?


Grand Admiral
Nov 27, 2020
RSI Handle
To @Montoya's question re: the modules, my plan is to treat them exactly like any other ship component. I wouldn't spend pledge $ for other loadout components even if I could; that gives me something fun to work towards earning in-game after every wipe, and I plan to acquire the modules the same way. They (and insurance) certainly can't be all THAT expensive. Plus, what if you get the LTI package now, but then an even cooler module comes along later that you can't get LTI on? So I just grabbed a CCU for the base ship, and I'll be glad to strip YOUR modules off of your Galaxies after I'm done blasting away the bridge, ARRRGGG!!! :D


Vice Admiral
Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
To @Montoya's question re: the modules, my plan is to treat them exactly like any other ship component. I wouldn't spend pledge $ for other loadout components even if I could; that gives me something fun to work towards earning in-game after every wipe, and I plan to acquire the modules the same way. They (and insurance) certainly can't be all THAT expensive. Plus, what if you get the LTI package now, but then an even cooler module comes along later that you can't get LTI on? So I just grabbed a CCU for the base ship, and I'll be glad to strip YOUR modules off of your Galaxies after I'm done blasting away the bridge, ARRRGGG!!! :D
So it begins. The Great Civil War of Test squadron.


Space Marshal
Jul 13, 2016
RSI Handle
yesterday I was speculating with my friend in steam chat and i said it's going to be under the carrack in terms of worth. and i called it.

this ship is intended to be an org asset. people that run orgs would want something like this ship. with that said, however, it's not for me - i'm planning to gather a crew of up to 6 and use my carrack as my main ship. but i digress.

@Montoya if you ask me, it'd be a good idea for you as an org leader to buy this ship for use in org ops. the only downside is you might get confused which Galaxy has which module, but even then you'll be able to swap modules if one turns out to have the wrong mod.
altho, if I were you, I would get a CCU to only the base ship and buy modules separately. that way, when the ship and modules come into the game, i will be able to melt the modules for store credit and keep the ship. i will then buy the modules ingame, all while the ship itself still has LTI.

i will say, that i am waiting for the carrack's remodeling and swappable modules. I want a quantainium mining module and Q refining module for it. also, I'd love it if the cargo module for the carrack had side ramps and physical connectivity with other modules. CIG PLZ GIBS.
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Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't like that I can't CCU ground vehicles to the modules, the only fully useful path with LTI is warbond. Having a base ship LTI with no modules is a waste of time for me. And I don't want to dish out over $500 right now for everything.


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I sayed it before and still saying it: Jax's video are the best part of IAE...

Concerning the ship is a nice concept, and modularity/multipurpose is always a big win for me, BUT we already have "moddular" ship in game and they still lack the functionality, also there are very very few big ship in game, and recently it appear CIG is backloging a lot of them, so I'm not bothering with any ship that can be 1+ year away form full delivery...
I still waiting for thing tike the Renagade and the X1 series (yep bikes...) and even those are not in sight, spending money for something that could be 3+ yeaar away, and very likely modify during development is a big no go...

In the future, when jpg-time will eventually be short and we have the basic functionality in game so we can evaluate the mechanics better my point of view could change... for now my wallet is in a safe place.


Space Marshal
Nov 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm skipping the galaxy:

- no warbond upgrade, as you said the only one that makes sense is the complete pack
- they just released the spirit series that could literally have been the perfect 150 modular ship but chose to sell 3 versions and even a package deal for all 3...then all of a sudden modularity makes sense again when it comes to IAE?

- feels more like they could sell this ship and be certain of 2 main things;
1 - they would sell a ton of the complete pack to people based on the premise that these modules and ambiguous "future modules" would arrive and be pretty much a Swiss army knife type ship but since they have role specific and loaners for each profession they have literally no incentive/urgency to develop this one anytime a mini endeavor...

2 - since you can't wb upgrade to the complete pack due to modules being separate, they knew the 380 base ship would soak up plenty of the old 350$ ships people are holding onto, not only that, they'd have to spend more on the modules after that...

They know what they are doing lol, this is a cash cow, old whale-hangar cleanup special that they won't touch for years(hope I'm wrong and it's out soon lol).

Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
The Galaxy is a cool ship. With the Galaxy, CIG is delivering on what part of the community has asked for all along - a ship that can do most anything. And, arguably, with it being presented as a medical, refining, and freight hauling ship (with more to come), the Galaxy is in that category. The base ship even comes with a pool table!

So why am I not excited by it? CIG's handling of the insurance (LTI) model. Not being able to CCU to a Galaxy 'variant' equiped with a module was one thing, but also not being able to purchase stand alone LTI modules even with fresh cash? Didn't seem cool. CIG could have handled that differently. Seeing that they didn't also drained interest I had in dropping $500+ for a full Galaxy package.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Right, because the other 8397 8398 RSI Galaxys we have in the org are just not enough, we just need one more!
Fixed that for you. I didn't go into IAE intending to buy it, but I was able to fix a problem with my ships entirely in store credit so I bought a Galaxy. Shoot me. No, really... before my wife finds out.
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