Super Spectacular Saturday - June 28th!
Clear your schedules. I mean it. Lock your kids in the cage, send your wife away to the spa. It's time to get down to business.
We are heading to the alien environment of Natural Selection 2. This game is on sale on steam, so pick it up!
Natural Selection 2 is a Humans Vs. Aliens strategic Shooter/RTS, where you can play as the aliens and suck people's faces off! It's going to be a blast.
June 28th, 12n / 16:00 GMT
Teamspeak: **Push to talk is REQUIRED**
Game Information:
Natural Selection 2
Server and grouping will be organized at the start of the event.
We look forward to having everybody be there! Make sure to stay active in this thread! X up if you're going!
If you have experience with Natural Selection 2, please let me know so we can get you set up in commander mode, so everything goes smoothly.