Star Citizen Financials and New Investors


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
The issues is how do they pay for the servers, the maintenance, the new content to keep it alive without subscription (ruled out), or ship sales (ruled out). People expect 72 months Insurance to run out during the life of the game.
I think subs are going to be the only way to keep this game afloat I can't imagine not paying a sub for this big of a game. I also think they will sell a lot of cosmetic stuff on the side, maybe not ships themselves but just about everything else will be fair game.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I think subs are going to be the only way to keep this game afloat I can't imagine not paying a sub for this big of a game. I also think they will sell a lot of cosmetic stuff on the side, maybe not ships themselves but just about everything else will be fair game.
Robert's has, on multiple occassions, ruled out subs.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
He ruled out subs as a REQUIREMENT to play or access content, but subscriptions have be stated as something that will be in-game with an as yet unspecified/undetermined benefit.
Don't get me wrong I am just speculating here, I just know after 30 years of online gaming you don't put 200+ mill into a game and then have no cash flow to keep it going. The best way is a sub system its fair for everyone, partial subs or in game purchases usually turns into pay to win or the content is so lack luster you don't make enough cash on them. In the end there will be a fee, where they stick it or what they call it I have no clue but it will be there. Not to mention a large portion of their 42 and SC games were pre-sold to the backers that's a butt load of cash right out the door. Again its purely speculation but either their being a bit naive or there is some sort of income they have not announced yet something maybe the gaming community has not seen before.

Either way don't take this as slamming CIG maybe they have found a way or have an idea to make it work nobody knows till its done. :)


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
The issues is how do they pay for the servers, the maintenance, the new content to keep it alive without subscription (ruled out), or ship sales (ruled out). People expect 72 months Insurance to run out during the life of the game.
Theres no doubt they will sell stuff, offer subcriber benefits, throw in with Amazon or something if it really gets going.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Theres no doubt they will sell stuff, offer subcriber benefits, throw in with Amazon or something if it really gets going.
Theres no doubt they will sell stuff, offer subcriber benefits, throw in with Amazon or something if it really gets going.
I personally would rather them just make it a sub to play game, WoW proved if the game was worth it people will pay, any other option imo causes to many complaints, its either PTW or the content is so minor no one buys it. Don't get me wrong I know there are successful games out there without sub's going strong but they are nowhere near the scale this game is or trying to be.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I think it was pretty clear in their report I mean I am pretty much a nub when it comes to running a company but it was pretty transparent they were in the red 2015,16,17 we have not seen 2018 yet but they said they were over not under. 193 of 211 million raised has been spent and they were averaging 40 to 50 million a year in cost and seeing as 42 is going to be a push for mid to late 2020 and I am guessing SC launch around 2022 if were lucky that's another 120+ million at this trend which you can't bank simply on the current subscribers and interested parties coming up with that so they have no choice but to try and get more people, again my biggest fear is they will have to resort to selling or merging with a well known gaming company to finish this game.

I am purely speculating but I have seen it so many times in the past. I hope I am completely wrong and full of shit!


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
If I remember correctly at most 2 million copies of SQ42 have been sold so far, but when it is released I'll be surprised if it doesn't sell well over 10 million copies the first year.

As for costs to maintain the SC as well as to continue to add content and more ships, I'm anxious to find out how that'll be funded. I know CR has stated it'll be complete at release, I feel that is naive. If it is to be realistic as CR has stated then the manufacturers are would be developing new weapons, components, armor, and ships, real ones never stop developing things to sell to stay relevant, plus new systems will have to be added periodically in order for exploration to remain engaging.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
If I remember correctly at most 2 million copies of SQ42 have been sold so far, but when it is released I'll be surprised if it doesn't sell well over 10 million copies the first year.

As for costs to maintain the SC as well as to continue to add content and more ships, I'm anxious to find out how that'll be funded. I know CR has stated it'll be complete at release, I feel that is naive. If it is to be realistic as CR has stated then the manufacturers are would be developing new weapons, components, armor, and ships, real ones never stop developing things to sell to stay relevant, plus new systems will have to be added periodically in order for exploration to remain engaging.
Ya like I said from their reports its a bit sketchy, 3 years in the red is not a good sign, I still say for a game like this to last for what they are attempting its going to require a sub or fee like substance maybe something we have never seen before in the gaming community from the players. I can't imagine something on this scale without a regular income I am going to bet right now that whole no sub idea goes out the window in the next year or so but I have been wrong before hehe.
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