Very interesting vid imho, but (currently?) only available in German language:
To put it in short words:
To put it in short words:
- Universe Server - the mother of all servers, the Master Mind. Will save all account related data, current mission, char stats and further basic information of every star citizen as well as markets, buying and selling markets and the transfer of ingame data.
- Hyve Mind: the network of all servers which central server is the Universe Server. So to say the cloud of which every (local) server hosts a "room" like for Port Olisar and/or a bunch of ships. Current status: up to 100 ships per local cloud server; yes, they are calculating "per ship", not "per user". Background: when you are flying through the verse and a, for instance, a Carrack comes in sight, in the first step it doesn´t matter what the scientists or mechanics or everybody else onboard this ship are doing.
- Local (cloud) servers: When it comes to close action, pvp or trading actions or else, the corresponding local servers begin to communicate, exchange information. They are using the character specific information which is sent by the Universe Server via the Hyve Mind. As soon as the action is finalized/ended, the local servers sent back the char related data (or related basic data) to the Universe Server.
- The ship (aka the players in the ship) can always "look" into the next "room" (aka next local cloud server). Thus it should not come to a noticable "change-lag" at the moment the ship is going into the next room. Which means that for instance the local cloud server "Port Olisar" can "see" what happens at Yela/Grimhex and at Kareah, but can not see what happens at ArcCorp in Area18 - which is not necessary, because the relevant basic data is stored and managed by the Universe Server.
- Will it be possible to force shortage of goods, famines etc. like in EVE? No, because 90%(!!) of all activities will be operated by NPCs which are again managed by the Master Mind, the Universe Server.
- What happens when there are more than 100 ships in a room? If the 101st ship gets into a room the Universe Server will give the order to the local server to copy this room above the first one, thus there will be several rooms in parallel like a multi-dimensional universe. CIG calculates that, using this logic, it will be possible to realize up to 2k ships in parallel.