Star Citizen Server meshing and persistence Q&A


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Lots of cool technical details, but is this a new post? Cos it mentions 2951 citcon, meaning 2021. It's funny how it says server meshing and pyro coming next year...
If I misunderstood the dates and it's actually been posted after current citcon, it's really sad news. I did expect to be whacking my head against my monitor before new years eve cos 4.0 crashed to desktop yet again lol


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Is this is 3 years old, lots has changed already.

That said, if we old hve a max of 100 entities (people, ships, etc.) that can be shooting at each other, we won’t be seeing any grand battles like we saw in the battle of Vega slice. What we will have is something far less than people envisioned.

I get it. Most games only,hve 100 people in a particular instance of a zone and the load is spread out across multiple zones and then instances of those zones, games like WoW seem to handles those fairly seamlessly and transition you within a second between those instances, however, the free form nature and open world PvP nature of SC, plus the scale, is going to mean that we are going to be seeing some tinteresting behaviors and limitations. A large org like test could manipulate…or be restricted…in certain situations how the servers perform. Consider a massive mining Monday op for instance where we might have 200 people mining, refining, and hauling materials. If it was concentrated enough, you might have 125 ships completely filling the same server instance…or those 125 ships might not have the chance to really work together due to those server limitations/behaviors
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