Star Citizen version Alpha 2.x - what did it mean to you, what will you tell others about it?


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So, not too far in the future, we will have to say "good bye" to Star Citizen version Alpha 2.0. Although being aware, that Alpha 3.0 will not deliver new maps or planets, it will nevertheless bring huge changes and advantages to us. But looking onto the last 1.5 years, there were dozens or even hundreds of gaming hours as well as dozens or hundreds of impressions and feelings while playing Star Citizen version Alpha 2.x...
When I'm looking back upon, my core memories of SC alpha version 2.x are:
  • the first time, when I entered the landing pad of Port Olisar, only standing and looking around, thinking "Wow...!"
  • the first (and many other times) I've been shot on the landing pad - before it was declared a demilitarized zone.
  • the first time, I stood before a Constellation on Port Olisar - "Wow" No.#2
  • the first days and weeks when I cruised through the 'verse, just staring at this awesome peace of space and listening to this breathtaking music by Pedro (love it until today).
What will alpha version 2.x be for you, when you will remember it, some day in the future...?


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
2... changed my view of star citizen, everything about Star Citizen is visually exciting including their imo best looking ship to date the caterpillar.

Star Citizen is undoubtedly pretty but the more than a year of 2.... has just shown how very very very far away this game is with next to no content added in that time. Here is hoping the pipelines are all in place.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I invited my Xbox mate over to CastleButuz. Showed him Star Citizen, let him have a fly.

He bought a PC with a GTX1070 and a Mustang Starter package.

That is all that needs to be said about star citizen!


Space Marshal
May 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Alpha 2.0 was like this for me:
1. Download the game and walk onto the landing pad with my ship and was just struck in awe.
2. Crashed my ship like a boss
3. Saw the connie fly over me and just sat there looking like a dumb ass
4. Tried AC and failed miserably
5. Saw the caterpillar and immediatly went to steal it.
6. Met DanGhessling and felt like I was WAY to excited to meet another Youtuber. I WAS IN THE VID.
7. Found a few TEST members and had a wonderful time, you know crashing into stuff with things.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Joined in 2.5 so was a little late to the party:

In an Arena Commander session of Battle Royal I flew to the far side of The Broken Moon when a glitch let me fly past the barrier and in to the void... It was my first real adventure in Star Citizen and I hope I was the first person to do it! I fell for the 350R that I was renting and snapped one up as soon as it went back on sale, that little unscheduled exploration made the 350R my ship :)

I'll never forget that.



Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
What does 2.x mean to me....
  1. First, it was awe. Big ship, little ships. Combat against an AI, missions. Crewing with your friends and getting together to shoot those same friends. Exploring Yela...getting aUEC.
  2. Then it was bitter disappointment as the flight model changed and my favorite ship (the Connie) got seriously beaten down with the Nerf Bat. Realizing that there are lots of jerks out there who just want to shoot you while you try to make it to your ship in Grim Hex.
  3. I've gotten used to some of the changes, but the disappointment is still fresh. Maybe it will fade, but it will take a great 3.0 build.
  4. Most of all, I liked flying around and talking to people in the verse. Getting and giving feedback and opinions, getting into impromptu team-ups, even getting ganked by someone afterwards (both on accident and on purpose).
  5. My favorite memory...a Test get together, we had two starfarers and were playing kill the captain (version of capture the flag). I was overwatch that round because we had someone come steal one of the ships one time and we needed someone to run people off. Well, I must have tabbed out and when I came back, my ship just started accelerating straight into the regular Starfarer. The laughter, the camaraderie, and people poking fun at you were some of the best moments in SC. So really, my favorite parts of SC 2.x is the time I have spent with my fellow lame-brains... the people of Test Squadron.
For the record, someone asked if we got it on camera, but the person who was streaming it either wasn't there or wasn't in position to catch it. It was a classic Test moment. The only way it would have been more of a Test moment would be if I was in an Aurora instead of the ship I was in...


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I just got a discord alert that one of my boys joined test. So I have that to remember version 2 for.

Nepotism will commence.
You realise your gonna have to allow him to get totally drunk and crash million credit ships?!!
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