I played only a few hours (the free for all mode) but at first glance
* TTK is not huge, died and killed under 1s (feels instant), may be from the lag but sometimes I don't have time to press fire button. Works well with the entire game pace (very slow turn speed when firing, run slow in medium, big spray cone of the balistic, etc)
* Light armor: I die faster (pretty sure has lower protection), I run ~1.6x faster (real fast). You need to have a good Aim to resist in a close combat. Ofc the disavantage to have only 1 primary weapon.
* Energy rifle: less DPS but has the advantage to not reload so often, from my point of view you have to choose tactical vs brute force (balistic)
* sniper and shotgun: I'm not good enough for them it seems
* the lag from EU OMG sometimes freezes all together, and never went under 150ms
* I had the feeling that the armor has bigger protection from behind (20 bullets to the chest from behind vs 4-5 with the energy rifle, it may be the lag ..)
The maps:
* very big, you can find lots of skirmish tactics, places to camp
* narrow corridors and wide space spaces, every weapon has its place
* you need to remember lots of things (where each ammo/weapon is, medkits), which corridors leads where
* overall are more complex then the average FPS ones
* close combat most of the time, except the Points to capture