Star Wars Battlefront 2

Doc Shaftoe

Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2014
RSI Handle
The campaign is a dedicated by the numbers Star Wars affair, but it's fun in much the same way as Titanfall 2's campaign was. It introduces the various multiplayer modes and some of the hero gameplay while weaving together characters who are just interesting enough to make it fun. And you know what? I want to see how the story continues.

The multiplayer is fun and responsive, and the only complaint I have is the loot box mechanic. Of course, that's not even as bad as it could be. If they tuned the unlock prices with in game currency a little bit to be more in line with Titanfall 2's unlock system I think it would be better received. I do wish there were some cosmetic options for the characters though. At least for rebels/resistance characters.

For those who were unhappy with the 2015 Battlefront, this one plays very differently. The fighter modes are a blast once you get used to the nuances of flying and the infantry combat feels really great. I'd recommend giving it a shot if you're on the fence about it.

Origin info is Doc Shaftoe or some variation of that.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
SturmDemTag on origin, anyone feel free to add me. Downloading star wars battlefront 2 as I type this
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Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
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My username is, as always, Sraika.
I probably wont be playing much battlefront 2, though. I played a couple hours earlier, and the unlock system is exasperating. I figured people were making a big deal over something relatively minor, but no. It's pretty bad.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Hey stop taking over my thread. I was just looking for people to play with not for people to hate on the game and EA.

Get your own thread for that.
Sorry! didn't mean to shit post all over your thread, ha ha! @Blind Owl wouldn't like that, although, he might "like" that I said he wouldn't like that!


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, this happened.
tl;dr is basically no micro-transactions til this whole thing blows over. Not sure if that's good or not, but I'll probably play more just the same.
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Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
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Inside source who said the announcement was incoming hours before it was made, claims they're looking into a few models to replace the current one:

1. cosmetics only (hopefully) OR
2. cosmetics + a specific star card bundle (to remove "gambling" aspect)

There will also be "booster" bundles purchasable with money. The typical Wargaming type where you pay to get a multiplier in EXP/Credit gain. This has been in the works long before everything began. Although it isn't technically "pay to win" it is still "pay to get there faster" on a fully priced game.

There's also talks of increase in Credit rewards and lowered cost of crates coming very soon (a few days) as an immediate fix before looking into other options/methods. (Hopefully this happens and stays permanent, if they don't scrap the loot boxes entirely and replace it with a traditional level up system with skill trees, etc.)

All of this is in reaction from a Disney rep calling EA/DICE about fixing this problem ASAP or they are threatening to pull the exclusivity right.

Apparently the original model was already approved by Disney, but they did not expect this much backlash. They do not want to be associated with "gambling" and especially this close to the release of The Last Jedi. They don't want bad PR to taint the image of the franchise.

My opinion on this: A lot of people are saying this is just a temporary measure to get sales back up, and put everything back in place after the heat has died down. I don't entirely agree with this. They still need a way to make up all the lost money from potential microtransaction sales for the free DLC and updates they promised. I don't think they dare to start charging for those now. They are definitely looking to change the model. There's no way they'll put everything back as they are. I don't think they're stupid enough to do that. No matter how "evil" you think EA is, they're definitely not going to that point of stupidity. This will impact future EA games they release. We've seen a trend in "loot crates" in their recent release, including Speed Card in the Need For Speed Payback (main reason I refuse to buy it, although I've been a long time NFS fan) but there's little chance the game will change. The base just isn't nearly as big as a Star Wars game. The NFS devs said they'll look into changing the "progression balance" as well but it will be nowhere as drastic as SWBF2 I bet.

The most realistic outcome for BF2 is a fully cosmetic microtransaction model, a bit like Destiny 2's Bright Engrams. At the same time, if they keep progression in loot boxes, I really hope they curve the reward better, and ease on the time it takes to get upgrades. I hope they scrap the loot box concept entirely and go the traditional skill tree method.

I'm also standing firm on my position of not buying the game regardless of what they'll do. I still have a few months of my EA Access and hopefully it'll land in the Vault before it expires. It really is a shame because from the Beta and the Early Access Trials, I liked what I played, except the loot boxes. It really is overshadowed by the one thing despite everything else being great.
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
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