State of the Squadron 26


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
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I'm going to do what the video said and post my thoughts below.

What do I think about cryptocurrency?

An estimate showed me that I could make 10 cents an hour but after the electric bill it would end up costing me more in electricity and cooling. My build is no good for earning money.

What do I think about the lawsuit?

Both lawyers who worked on the CryEngine contract now work for CIG. CIG said that they would use CryEngine exclusively, which would make CIG in the wrong unless they can show that Lumberyard is CryEngine. CIG also said that they would have the CryTek logo on their screen but since Star Citizen is not released yet, they technically don't have to do that yet.

CryTek is also mad that SQ42 and Star Citizen are 2 different games and the contract was only for 1 game. All CIG has to do to silence most of this is have SQ42 still run CryEngine and Star Citizen run Lumberyard. It took them 2 days to convert over, so I don't think it's such a big deal.

CryTek is desperate for money since they cannot pay their employees. Their management is trying a cash grab instead of trying to do work the honest way.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
My opinions:
Cryptocurrency is a partial work around to the problems of most other get-rich-quick schemes. Of course, that's just like real money but the Government runs that gig, or corporations which pay the Government to keep running the real money thing like a get-rich-quick scheme. Speaking of which, I have a secondary opinion: If you really want to get rich, stop working for companies that sells your labor for cents on the dollar, and start your own business.

Lawsuit opinion:
This will result in Crytek being counter sued, CIG being counter-counter sued, and Amazon will jump in the mix at some point. It will drag on for a few years, and some lawyers will get richer. It is a fairly clear cut case of a desperate money grab before they have to close the doors.

Video opinion:
Great job @Montoya. You built quite a thing here with Test Squadron, not so much an organization as a community. Thank you!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I've always wondered how long before the cryptocurrency block chain lengths outstrip technologies ability to store,calculate and validate at a rate that keeps transaction costs low enough to keep miners interested in doing the calculations as well as the point were no new coins can be introduced.
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