State of the Squadron 6.7 - Various Ideas for Shows

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
So Montoya has this really short attention span and only made a 10 minute video even though we know it could have easily been 11 minute long. As DEAR LEADER has mentioned he wants to do some other shows to kinda break up SOTS and then have SOTS itself as the summary. This kind of thinking is why he is our LEADER!

So hold on here while I Nkato the hell out of some ideas here. Stand By. Now sit down. Now Stand up. Good. You have just had your exercise for the day.

Idea #1: What is TEST Squadron? How bad are we? What are we in the game for? We need one centralized intro video for new Crash pilots to get a feel for how absolutely disorganized we are. I'm sure Montoya(not to be confused with Mini-Montoya) has a stack of questions and can do at least 5 or so minutes on just this if he just goes back to various SoTS and gets stuff from those on this matter. Can also plug our membership numbers here purely for ego purposes of course. From humble beginnings to becoming a mightily drunk organization. This would be a one time video to be updated only when things change later on.

Idea #2: State of the Fleetdron. Yes Montoya could do a video updating on the state of the fleet. Talk about some of our prominent members and their fleets, the org fleet itself, and finally what we as an org need to get both individually and for the org with the Wave 3 and Wave 4 ships when they go on concept sale. It would bring focus to the operations if we're all not just piloting Auroras. Recommend looking through the last few Chairman Letters and also searching for the Wave 3 ships info and their roles.

Idea #3: Streamers! Yeah the paper things not the people. jk of course. Baron or Richard could do this one. Take a look at the various streamers TEST has now currently and perhaps even interview them while doing their show. Tips and tricks for people who are looking to become streamers and what programs are needed. What we really need is Baron, Richard, and a couple others to form a squadron for the co-op mode and just play off each other kinda like how Team FourStar does on their Lets Plays. I think people would find it funny.

Idea #4: State of the Russian: Since RussianJ did such a terrible job on his video, we need to see more! Dunno what he would talk about besides promoting his org business(Russian Rent a Ship) but with the lag time between Montoya making SoTS I think he could find something.

Thank you all for reading my wall of text! Send all [CONCERN] to Montoya.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
i think that sums it all up :D

and you say you have no idea what you could say in your vids XD


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
you did 1 video:O
or am i missing a hiden meaning?


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
oh wait yes im drunk XD it was russianj :O (why did i think you where russainj? o.O)


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I think you should make all of these things, but I don't think you should do it because montoya was a little late in SOTS.


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
but but i though test is about beeing drunk and stuff :,(


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Re Idea 1) Yes, for sure! A short 5min intro video explaining who we are and we are the best (needs no explanation, its obvious), will be a quick and easy way for new recruits to get a feel for TEST and what its all about.

Idea 2) Im open to let somebody like RussianJ take that on, talk about ships, stats, what they all do. This is a sort of extension on idea #1, many new members wonder what ships they should be buying.

Idea 3) Absolutely, we are all for promoting our streamers and making sure they get some followers. I was going to include it in SOTS6, but it made it go way over the time limit. SOTS vids need to be 8-10min max in length. I know I do not have the patience to watch anything longer.

Idea 4) see idea 2.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I think someone should do drunk history/moments in SC for the month.....

Watch drunk history for reference; but basically the organization picks a topic. Say ships.. or lore.. or flight mechanics... and consumes copious amounts of alcohol and does a video explaining the answer to said question or questions....

That will immediately roll into the fail of the month video... where the biggest fail is awarded a prize or a banishment from the organization. ;)

I used to manage bars for years... I can work with "drunk" ideas pretty well.
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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
I think someone should do drunk history/moments in SC for the month.....

Watch drunk history for reference; but basically the organization picks a topic. Say ships.. or lore.. or flight mechanics... and consumes copious amounts of alcohol and does a video explaining the answer to said question or questions....

That will immediately roll into the fail of the month video... where the biggest fail is awarded a prize or a banishment from the organization. ;)

I used to manage bars for years... I can work with "drunk" ideas pretty well.
I should hope that the biggest fail gets a huge prize and not banishment, after all, we are TEST...


Vice Admiral
Nov 4, 2014
RSI Handle
Drunk Ship Reviews? That's right up our alley I think. Do it using the 'Drunk History' format. Get the presenter drunk off their balls and have them try to do a stylish ship review. The editing can be done sober, but the filming should be done drunk.

Edit: Didn't read previous replies.

Great minds have SPOKEN. This will happen now. First installment: I will give you guys the best Freelancer MAX drunk review EVER as an example.
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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Drunk Ship Reviews? That's right up our alley I think. Do it using the 'Drunk History' format. Get the presenter drunk off their balls and have them try to do a stylish ship review. The editing can be done sober, but the filming should be done drunk.

Edit: Didn't read previous replies.

Great minds have SPOKEN. This will happen now. First installment: I will give you guys the best Freelancer MAX drunk review EVER as an example.
You should edit it drunk as well, then we'd have a much higher number of rainbows in the video.
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