GeneticPredator Space Marshal Jan 13, 2016 738 2,215 2,660 RSI Handle GeneticPredator Dec 21, 2017 #21 TEST SQUADRON - TANK SQUADRON! Reactions: Bambooza, Stevetank and BluePilote
BluePilote Space Marshal Jun 25, 2017 1,163 4,213 1,500 RSI Handle BluePilote Dec 21, 2017 #22 Tank you guys Reactions: Bambooza and Stevetank
Stevetank Lead Aurora Theorycrafter Donor Jun 3, 2016 3,252 14,934 2,900 RSI Handle Stevetank Dec 21, 2017 #23 GeneticPredator said: TEST SQUADRON - TANK SQUADRON! Click to expand... TEST TANK BEST TANK! Reactions: Bambooza
Bambooza Space Marshal Donor Sep 25, 2017 5,805 18,379 2,875 RSI Handle MrBambooza Dec 21, 2017 #24 Stevetank said: TEST TANK BEST TANK! Click to expand... This is how i imagine Steve drops into all landing zones. Even if there is a capable drop ship and no enemy fire. Reactions: Stevetank
Stevetank said: TEST TANK BEST TANK! Click to expand... This is how i imagine Steve drops into all landing zones. Even if there is a capable drop ship and no enemy fire.
Stevetank Lead Aurora Theorycrafter Donor Jun 3, 2016 3,252 14,934 2,900 RSI Handle Stevetank Dec 21, 2017 #25 Bambooza said: This is how i imagine Steve drops into all landing zones. Even if there is a capable drop ship and no enemy fire. Click to expand... That's how I wish I could drive to work every morning. Reactions: Bambooza
Bambooza said: This is how i imagine Steve drops into all landing zones. Even if there is a capable drop ship and no enemy fire. Click to expand... That's how I wish I could drive to work every morning.
Bambooza Space Marshal Donor Sep 25, 2017 5,805 18,379 2,875 RSI Handle MrBambooza Dec 21, 2017 #26 And here I was trying to figure out how to mount 2 40 mm to the front of my car as i figured it would make the drive to and from work a service to society by removing those incapable of being productive members. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSp7CipN1pw
And here I was trying to figure out how to mount 2 40 mm to the front of my car as i figured it would make the drive to and from work a service to society by removing those incapable of being productive members. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSp7CipN1pw