SUGGESTION - If you find a profitable trade run inform fellow TESTies


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
So, since we are starting back over from almost nothing and the legit missions don't pay much, figured we could have a thread where TESTies who have made a profitable trading run can share the facts for fellow TESTies.

Just the facts, the commodity, from location and to location, if you want to brag on profit feel free.

I can't kick this off since I lost 100AUEC on my first trade run, but I was afraid the server was going to crap out so I took it back to Port O and sold at a minor loss.

Share the wealth oh members of the Brethren Court.



Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I would be willing to bet RL money that the trade system, even at this early stage, is sensitive to shifts in supply and demand

if a bunch of us all haul the same goods on the same routes we will compete against one another to buy, and raise prices

on the sell side, we will flood the market and tank prices

trading, by its nature, is every man for himself


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
So, since we are starting back over from almost nothing and the legit missions don't pay much, figured we could have a thread where TESTies who have made a profitable trading run can share the facts for fellow TESTies.

Just the facts, the commodity, from location and to location, if you want to brag on profit feel free.

I can't kick this off since I lost 100AUEC on my first trade run, but I was afraid the server was going to crap out so I took it back to Port O and sold at a minor loss.

Share the wealth oh members of the Brethren Court.

Great idea!


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I think, at this stage of development, I'll be losing money on trade runs more often than not, since at least 80 percent of the time the game crashes before I get my ship to my destination, let alone there and back.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
What we found out last night (There were a bunch of TESTies in on and in Discord, from like 6 PM until 3 AM. Actually longer but I fell asleep at 3 AM, no idea if they're still running)

Right now the economy is kind of predictable, but very volatile. The highest buy prices are usually at Olisar, I've only lost money doing any trade run starting with a load from Olisar. But before disembarking, I check the prices at Olisar that they're selling things for. Look for the thing that has the highest value, go to one of the other stations to buy that, and return. You can double your money that way if you time it just right.
Example: Laranite (sp?) selling at Olisar for 96 UEC. Buy at Levski for 33 UEC, return to Olisar and sell it for 73 UEC. Check the buy price at Olisar: 93 UEC. Return to Levski and note the departing caterpillar.... buy for 36 UEC, return to Olisar, Note the catterpillar parked on landing pad 10, with the pilot running into Olisar, you run in and sell for 46 UEC. Supply and demand is working in 3.0. It's still a little primitive, but it seems to work. You can lose a lot of UEC really fast if you're not paying attention to supply and demand.

Note this caveat: If you're going to be interdicted, this is the run you're most likely to be interdicted on. Keep on your toes, especially if you can't afford to lose your cargo. If your game crashes, and you're in transit (Not on a landing pad), or if your ship is destroyed or severely damaged in combat, you will lose the cargo.

If you're interdicted, best action with cargo is don't engage if you can avoid it. I found making a right angle turn from your direction of flight, and lighting the afterburner until you can re-engage your quantum drive is a good tactic in a ship that can't fight. Ask Macaque what my Cutlass ... well, the remaining half of my Cutlass... looked like landing at Levski, after being interdicted. He escorted me in case I couldn't land. I did pretty good in battle, considering 13 FPS. I did kill the enemy ship too.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
OK, so the key for turning some quick coin is intraplanetary shipping - I turned 500 aUEC into 35,000 just by going back and forth between Hickes Research and Tram & Myers Mining on Cellin. Medical Supplies from Hickes to to the mining site, and Astatine Gas from Mining Site to Research. Threw in a couple Mineral runs back to Oli (Beryl, made bank on one and pennies on another).

I may now explore a bit to see what other intraplanetary runs look good on Daymar or elsewhere.

As Glorious Leader suggested in the Cryptocurrency video, take your profits along the way - DON'T take 100% of your balance to finance the next run (server can crash, might make a bad buy/sell, Space Pirates, etc.), I used no more than 50% at a time. FWIW, this is the same way I gamble when in Vegas IRL, I am always taking winnings off the table and that is why I am up against the town lifetime - but in less than 2 hours, on a stable server, I made 33,500 aUEC just by shuttling back and forth between two sites less than 100 km apart. Compare that to risking life and ship for a 300 aUEC contract.

I started with the F7C since my SpacePenguin was MIA on an insurance claim due to a server crash, then I switched to the Penguin once I felt comfortable - the Penguin is the ultimate stealth freighter and you can make good money - at some point I'll break out the Connie but for solo runs the Penguin is perfect (I am sure the 'Lancer and Cutty would work too with more lifting ability but also more tempting target).

By staying planetside, the NPC pirates that are doing the interdictions are no threat - only issue will eventually be players or if CIG starts adding NPC pirates planetside.

I saw little to any variability in price between runs even though they were growing exponentially - I only cubed out the Penguin once, I was always limited by my limiting my exposure in case the server crashed and I lost a load. I was doubling my invested monies roughly every load, if buy price was 1, sell price was 2-2.2.

Even though it was a bit grindy it was reasonably safe and it was nice to get away from the currency anxiety I was feeling when I got down to around 2,000 aUEC after losing too many loads trying to do interplanetary runs.

In larger ships I am sure interplanetary will be a necessity to have adequate demand (I did have one time where the Mining Site did not have as much of the Gas as I wanted to buy, but only once). I can envision a 'Lancer, Cutty or Connie having a single pickup and then a route to sell off all it has, or maybe make mixed cargo runs (unless someone has found you can fill a Connie and dump it on the same planet, which would be epic).

This is a far more interesting play type than I expected.

CEO and Chief Pilot Fast Inter-Stellar Transport (F.I.S.T.)
Last edited:


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Yes please do.

I hope trade is very smart and fluctuates like real life.

If I'm really smart I might stockpile a cheap resource and sell it when there is demand to make a huge killing.

Or I could kill and make a demand for guns and then sell guns. Oh yes, I will be rich one way or the other.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Trade is not very smart, that's pretty clear at the moment, you still have the buy low, sell high but some of the items we made money on yesterday in intra-system trade, simply didn't make any money today and prices were static and seemed the same on different servers. That's not how it worked yesterday. There are also a lot more interdiction's right now than there was this morning.

Hipstar Dufus

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, I was making a liquor run from Levski to Olistar. Was halfway back to Olistar and the game locked up on me and I lost everything. Now I am sitting at 0 creds.

Gotta love it.
Last night I was mining on YELA and managed to fill my bags with 12% Lananite WOOHOO only to get shot out of the sky on my way back to cash it out. There goes my 2 hours before bedtime and about 10k in creds. Dam camping punk looking for easy targets.

Hipstar Dufus

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
This, good Sir, is getting a problem, out of hand, right now. I had the same thing happen to me. Stood at a bloody planetary outpost, not even in the ship. Some punk tblows my cat...
If there is a quick way, I just needed to deselect my destination so I can see all the jump points again in my HUD. Right now all I understand is that once I select my destination in a star map, I can't see any other points on my HUD at all. I can only select another destination in the star map. I think I'm missing something or not aware of how to clear my star map selection.
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Jun 5, 2018
RSI Handle
OK, so the key for turning some quick coin is intraplanetary shipping - I turned 500 aUEC into 35,000 just by going back and forth between Hickes Research and Tram & Myers Mining on Cellin. Medical Supplies from Hickes to to the mining site, and Astatine Gas from Mining Site to Research. Threw in a couple Mineral runs back to Oli (Beryl, made bank on one and pennies on another).

I may now explore a bit to see what other intraplanetary runs look good on Daymar or elsewhere.

As Glorious Leader suggested in the Cryptocurrency video, take your profits along the way - DON'T take 100% of your balance to finance the next run (server can crash, might make a bad buy/sell, Space Pirates, etc.), I used no more than 50% at a time. FWIW, this is the same way I gamble when in Vegas IRL, I am always taking winnings off the table and that is why I am up against the town lifetime - but in less than 2 hours, on a stable server, I made 33,500 aUEC just by shuttling back and forth between two sites less than 100 km apart. Compare that to risking life and ship for a 300 aUEC contract.

I started with the F7C since my SpacePenguin was MIA on an insurance claim due to a server crash, then I switched to the Penguin once I felt comfortable - the Penguin is the ultimate stealth freighter and you can make good money - at some point I'll break out the Connie but for solo runs the Penguin is perfect (I am sure the 'Lancer and Cutty would work too with more lifting ability but also more tempting target).

By staying planetside, the NPC pirates that are doing the interdictions are no threat - only issue will eventually be players or if CIG starts adding NPC pirates planetside.

I saw little to any variability in price between runs even though they were growing exponentially - I only cubed out the Penguin once, I was always limited by my limiting my exposure in case the server crashed and I lost a load. I was doubling my invested monies roughly every load, if buy price was 1, sell price was 2-2.2.

Even though it was a bit grindy it was reasonably safe and it was nice to get away from the currency anxiety I was feeling when I got down to around 2,000 aUEC after losing too many loads trying to do interplanetary runs.

In larger ships I am sure interplanetary will be a necessity to have adequate demand (I did have one time where the Mining Site did not have as much of the Gas as I wanted to buy, but only once). I can envision a 'Lancer, Cutty or Connie having a single pickup and then a route to sell off all it has, or maybe make mixed cargo runs (unless someone has found you can fill a Connie and dump it on the same planet, which would be epic).

This is a far more interesting play type than I expected.

CEO and Chief Pilot Fast Inter-Stellar Transport (F.I.S.T.)
View attachment 8646
Yes, this is a great run. People keep on forgetting that the simplest and easiest to repeat runs will always prevail over these long huge profit invest everything runs.
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