Take this as a reason to record your gameplay at all times.


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Today I showed my friend Star Citizen. I bought him along with a couple other of my friends and my brother a Aurora game package of the game last Christmas. Them along with so many others fail to see what this game will become.. Until today. For purposes of this story, my friend's name is Stonk.

It all started out as a simple day for us. I took my Freelancer out for a spin which he enjoyed. I then took him to do an ICC mission. Nothing special happened. He saw a glimpse of space combat, got to EVA seamlessly, and see other players fly around as they protected us. I then took him to attempt to repair a comm array. The first two were easy but another citizen repaired the comm array.

"But hero, how did simple things we do on the daily make him interested in the game and show him the true scope of the game?" Oh child, grab a beer and be prepared for the most incredible Star Citizen story I've told yet.

We get to the third comm array. He gets in the turret and two pirates spawn as usual, but there was nothing usual about this comm array. When I finished the second pirate, I learned the pirates really, REALLY wanted that comm array. Pirates began spawning left and right. My radar is popping up with blimps everywhere. Stonk is shocked by the sheer amount of pirates coming to take us out. We fight them off as best as we can. We are killing them but they won't stop coming! Stonk forgets he's playing a game. It became real life. Stonk is calling out where missile's are coming from, when a pirate starts to get a beat on us. Stonk was not a noob anymore. During the course of the battle the right main turrets are taken out. We continue to fight until I run out of chaff.

A pirate started flying towards me head on, as if he was challenging me to a game of chicken. Except, he launched three missiles and broke off. I attempted to turn right to avoid collision with the pirate but in doing so one of the missiles destroyed the left turret and another took out the left wing. At this point I just attempt to keep Stonk in a position to fight off the pirates, but every time we kill one three take his place. Stonk and I agreed the battle was lost and we needed to leave. I made a blind jump to escape by getting to the first mapped location in the quantum radar and made the jump.

Stonk and I both took a moment after surviving the onslaught. Stonk said that was the most intense fight he had ever had. That was until, we arrived at the Kareah station. There were dogfights everywhere and we could see from the bridge there was people fighting on the landing pads.

We began to take fire from a Vanguard, I told Stonk to get in the cargo bay and get ready to bail out. I made a quick touchdown at a landing pad on Kareah and told Stonk to open the cargo bay door. I sprinted to the back and readied my assault rifle. I could hear the gunfire just outside. Stonk and I exited the ship and EVA'd to the landing pad below us because I had landed right on the edge. Once we get on the pad Stonk is killed.

I turned and began to shoot the man who killed my friend. I then saw a second man approaching and began shooting at me. I ran inside the Avenger which had it's cargo bay down and killed the first man. I ran back outside and killed the second man who did not know where I was at.

I was out of ammo, my ship destroyed. I began to attempt to take the Avenger when I noticed a man sneak up on me. I was shot in the leg and out of ammo for all my weapons. (Pistol was bugged) I made a dead sprint to the airlock fighting the pain because I knew that I would not last long out there. The man pursued me. I began hitting the airlock button as if it would open faster and understand how bad of a situation I'm in. The airlock doors finally open, and I run in and press the close button. As the doors are closing the man arrives and shoots as he tries to run into the airlock but he did not make it. As I'm waiting for the airlock to pressurize I still hear ships exploding all over Kareah.

The doors to the airlock close once I stepped out. The airlock was depressurizing. I knew that the man was coming to kill me. I sprinted to the security office in a desperate attempt to locate ammo, but there was none. I accepted a Security post job in hopes that the locked lockers would provide me but they were empty. I sprinted around attempting to locate ammo as this man hunted me down.

I run into a room and I find an open box. My heart is racing, sweat dripping down my face, the window to the helmet is fogging. I get to the box to find it contains liquor. I then hear footsteps and hide in a corner in the room. The man comes in and takes a quick peek but misses me in a corner. I began to run around again until finally, I locate a box of ammo. I resupply as fast as I can. I then hear footsteps behind me. I put a fresh magazine into my rifle turn around and began to shoot as the man turns the corner and he dies.

I finish the security contract I took as an act of desperation. As this happens I hear silence. I see that the Vanguard that started it all emerged victorious and was patrolling Kareah. Ships continued to challenge the pilot but it was the greatest flying I had ever seen.

Stonk contacts me VIA comms that he is en route to save me. I go to Observation and see Stonk attempt to land, only to see the Vanguard swoop down and take him out. I then received communications meant for the pilot of the Vanguard. Another pilot advised him he was landing to take me out. Turns out this gang of pirates did not want me to live.

My only hope to make it out of Kareah was to steal this ship. I watched as a Mustang landed and watched the pilot get out equipping his rifle. I ran to the air lock and awaited the doors to open. Once the pirate came out of the airlock doors I shot him until I saw his lifeless body drop. I then made a run to the same airlock in which I took this mans life.

View: https://youtu.be/isL-5S0ihaY?t=2m50s
(If you want to attempt an immersive outro play now as you read)

I sprint to the Mustang knowing the Vanguard will be coming around any second. I climb the ladder then dashing for the pilot seat. I began to activate all the systems and look to my left and see the vanguard approaching. The ship is damage from what I assumed to be a rough landing. I began to take off. I check the shields and they are down. I start turning right and began to hear incoming fire. I gave the ship everything I had and got to a clear space. The vanguard in hot pursuit continuing to end me. We are in open space and I make a blind quantum jump to safety. (End song if you wish)

I make it back to Olisar and reunite with Stonk. I sighed a breath of relief for not even I was prepared for what was about to happen.

The moral of this story is, always have your recording software on. Also, never lose faith in this game. I swear to you everything in this story is true, I would not lie. I have been having doubts on the money I invested in this game, mainly because I want the full game now. That being said, this experience I am sharing with you renewed it all. If I can have this sort of experience with a fraction of the game and the amount of players in an instance. The full game will be beyond wonderful.

I love you all,


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
Were them RoA or UINS? If these f*ckers are in an instance, I'm changing the instance immediatly - or calling for help. But if you're alone, you'll have no fun at all; mostly.
I do not know how they were associated whether they were just a group of friends or an actual organization. I have never had more fun in my life though.


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
That is one of the reasons, why i love NVIDIA Shadowplay, something awesome happened? Press the Button and safe the last (in my case 7) minutes. Something awesome is about to happen?
Press the other Button and start recording.

But cool story, and thanks for writing it down.
Would read again 10/10


Space Marshal
Dec 28, 2015
RSI Handle
That is one of the reasons, why i love NVIDIA Shadowplay, something awesome happened? Press the Button and safe the last (in my case 7) minutes. Something awesome is about to happen?
Press the other Button and start recording.

But cool story, and thanks for writing it down.
Would read again 10/10
I need to upgrade graphics cards. I have plays.TV but it's hit and miss. Eventually I will and maybe I can start streaming with everyone!

I am glad you all enjoy it so far!
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Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
That was EPIC!!

Great write-up and just a taste of what is in store for us as this sim continues to mature.

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