Taking a deeper dive into Elite Dangerous to get a better grasp on Star Citizen pt1


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
It has been a long while since I played Elite Dangerous and thanks to a bit of encouragement from @TriteBoon , I took a dive back into it in recent weeks.

I love space sims and Elite is definitely on my the top 5 list for all space sims and the number one for best VR experience.

The newest update named Horizons added the ability to land on planets and drive around, but there is also this new feature called Engineers.

Engineers is an interesting concept.

There are these NPC's scattered around the bubble (the bubble is that small populated area of the galaxy in which 99% of the action takes place), and each engineer specializes in improving the stats on specific ship parts, like the weapons or the jump drive.

After having to re-teach myself all the HOTAS functions, I took my trusty Anaconda and headed off to meet the closest Engineer to me in a system called Khun.

This engineer was going to spiff up my Frame Shift Drive (FSD), which is the closest equivalent of our Quantum Drives in SC.

I have both complaints and praise for this engineers concept.

The praise is that it gives you a purpose in the game beyond grinding for credits.

Chris Robert has said that we will be able to modify our ships to suit our needs. If you like combat, then you need some extra powerful cooling systems on that Glaive because those S5 Cannons overheat in a few shots!

ED has already implement exactly that.

Do you like exploring?

The engineer I showed you above will enhance your FSD to give you that extra jump distance, but she requires some rare commodities, which means you need to get out there and explore, trade or hunt down the targets that can get you that item she needs.

I can see a similar concept taking place in SC.

If there is some secret Vanduul technology that can improve the efficiency of your weapons, you might be required to take on some dangerous fetch missions in enemy territory.

This also adds a serious sense of loss if your ship is destroyed and custom modules are not replaced by insurance!

Now my complaint!


ED is not a game that will give you instant gratification for anything, but even the first level of the FSD upgrade took hours before I had the resources to do it!

This is probably by design, nothing is more valuable than your time, so sinking in 3hrs to get a small increase to your FSD sucked balls!

More on what we can learn from ED as I deep dive further!

Have you played the Horizons update?

Got any good feedback on Engineers?


Sep 6, 2016
RSI Handle
You should...I at first didn't like it but I had to spend more time playing and understand the game. Now I do like E.D. and I am having fun.


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't have Elite: Dangerous, however, I have noticed a trend in some of the Early Access(EA) games I do play.

It seems that some, if not most, of the developers are moving away from grind heavy game play, and more towards progression. I.E. Ark, Scorched Earth, there is no need for grinding oil in A:SE, for they gave us oil wells. It still takes time to get to a point where you can build an oil well, but once its there, you get oil for days. So some of the resources are not so grindy anymore, and some of the new items only take a few of the most rare resources.

I can't wait to see how SC handles this, do we need to grind for a week for Titanium, to build(buy) an Aurora? Or, can we find a few ounces of Unobtainium, deep in Vanduul space, and buy a Carrack?

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I stopped playing when the Engineers patch came out. First, they neutered payouts for bounty hunting (which is what I did) and turned everything into a freaking grind-fest. To be honest, the dumb truth is I am not flying because I have no way to grind enough credits to have a rebuy available. Glitches killed me several times and chipped away at my bank account until it just wasnt fun anymore. Its an amazing VR experience, but the Devs have made the absolute wrong design choices at every step and refuse to fix the destroyed fun-factor of their game. 2 out of 5: Would not grind.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I really need to get back into ED. I never gave it a real chance and lost interest to quickly.... And when they did the pay more to get on the planet .. I sped away... But after watching what we will be getting in 3.0.... I need to start playing some space sim.....

Montoya stop posting this stuff..... Now I want to play ED :/


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
OK, I have $30 I can spend on a game from Steam, and E:D is $29.99, should I get it or something else....

stupid emoticons.....


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I play it every night, As said above, don't expect instant gratification, the whole game is a grind fest. The trick is, to grind really slowly or you will burn yourself out and put the game down for months. There are lots of cool things about it, and lots more bad things about it.

Star Citizen looks to be the game I hoped elite dangerous would be. I can see me quitting ED once star citizen is launched as it would be like having a ferarri on the drive, and drivin around in a fiat panda.


Space Marshal
Oct 29, 2014
RSI Handle
I play it every night, As said above, don't expect instant gratification, the whole game is a grind fest. The trick is, to grind really slowly or you will burn yourself out and put the game down for months. There are lots of cool things about it, and lots more bad things about it.

Star Citizen looks to be the game I hoped elite dangerous would be. I can see me quitting ED once star citizen is launched as it would be like having a ferarri on the drive, and drivin around in a fiat panda.
I'm willing to give ED a chance again. But the challenge now is to either start over (which isn't saying much because I barely accomplished a few minor upgrades to the starter ship) or try to figure out how to get enough loot to do the one thing I wanted to do in the game.... Get my ass back to Earth (and get the super key code alliance thing that lets me even enter the system)


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
My issue is, I have heard good and bad things about it, I was looking to see if there was something to justify ACTUALLY spending money on it. I have spent too much money on SC as it is..... if there is such a thing. :)

maybe I'll get some of the DLC for FO4.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
My issue is, I have heard good and bad things about it, I was looking to see if there was something to justify ACTUALLY spending money on it. I have spent too much money on SC as it is..... if there is such a thing. :)

maybe I'll get some of the DLC for FO4.
Wait until it is on sale - I picked it up on PC for $10 odd.


Space Marshal
Mar 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I am waiting to get Elite Dangerous. I think I'm going to pick it up soon, but I'm wondering whether it will be a trademarked soon or a soon soon. It does have a long life given to it, particularly by the expansions, but I'd rather have something like a long term pass to all expansions.
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