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Frad in'Ryth

Vice Admiral
May 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Game good, but the pacing is excruciating! Move mech. Watch mech move. Watch mech settle. Next mech. Watch mech move. Order attack. Attack. Watch enemy mech fall over or blow up and stuff. Watch mech for extra second or two because no reason. Enemy turn. Watch stupid tank off sensor creep close. Watch for extra second or two for no reason. Rinse and repeat. Forget to save. Do everything all over again, now more frustrated.
Yup, in my 30+ years of playing turn based strategy games* this one has some of the worst pacing I can remember.

*(First one I remember really holding my attention was Empire which my older brother got a copy of (and a three ring binder with a xerox of the manual) from a CS professor at the local university)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Sooo, I bought the GoG version, and for the first day it was all messed up. Endless loading, save-load buttons not available, that kinda crap. After googling for a while, I found out that I had Galaxy installed along with the game, and that messed it up. Uninstalled, reinstalled, and I finally got to play properly, and holy cow, it's 4 freaking AM again! It's a bit slow and clunky, XCom2 felt way more fluid even unmodded, but otherwise it's pretty damn good! Got my Centurion and a Quickdraw from the last story mission, can't wait to try em out!
BTW, are there more chicken mechs apart from the small scouty ones? I really like those way more than traditional humanoid mechs. Or are those gonna be the DLC?
(disclaimer: while I read some books, and played Mechwarrior 3 and 4 back ages ago, and own a 6pack of miniatures, I have no clue about the universe so I dunno if larger chicken mechs should even exist in the games timeline)

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The game is honestly the most fun I've had in a game since the early 2000s.

As I've gotten older games have lost a lot of their color and vibrancy that I think games used to have, or maybe I look at the world differently. Even SC doesn't really hit me where Battletech does. This game has depth, it has that physical nature, and most of all it brings me back to sitting on that store floor reading the old tech readout books while my parents would go look at VHS tapes to rent and wondering how I'd make my own.

The game is so good that I had a lot of trouble falling asleep after playing it because the mind is constantly wondering about the next best fit.

Frad in'Ryth

Vice Admiral
May 25, 2017
RSI Handle
... BTW, are there more chicken mechs apart from the small scouty ones? I really like those way more than traditional humanoid mechs. Or are those gonna be the DLC?...
I haven't played too far into it but from what I remember about the time period (3025) there aren't a whole lot of chicken walkers other than the Locust (25t scout and PPC fodder), Catapult (65t launcher of white hot rockets of love) the Marauder (75t mech tied up in IP legal hell). Most of the other ones are of Clan design or ripped off from Clan designs which mean they didn't show up until 3050 or later. Which makes me sad, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the Bushwacker.

IIRC, HBS said if there are DLCs they'll likely be like the Technical Readouts (TROs) so I'd expect the 3050 TRO to be a really requested one since that's the introduction of the Clans.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm just waiting to field a full lance of Atlas's. I find that the loadouts kinda have to patch the physical appearance of the mechs.


Space Marshal
Nov 2, 2017
RSI Handle
I haven't played too far into it but from what I remember about the time period (3025) there aren't a whole lot of chicken walkers other than the Locust (25t scout and PPC fodder), Catapult (65t launcher of white hot rockets of love) the Marauder (75t mech tied up in IP legal hell). Most of the other ones are of Clan design or ripped off from Clan designs which mean they didn't show up until 3050 or later. Which makes me sad, I'll always have a soft spot in my heart for the Bushwacker.

IIRC, HBS said if there are DLCs they'll likely be like the Technical Readouts (TROs) so I'd expect the 3050 TRO to be a really requested one since that's the introduction of the Clans.
I cant wait for a clan invasion DLC or mod!
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
The game is honestly the most fun I've had in a game since the early 2000s.

As I've gotten older games have lost a lot of their color and vibrancy that I think games used to have, or maybe I look at the world differently. Even SC doesn't really hit me where Battletech does. This game has depth, it has that physical nature, and most of all it brings me back to sitting on that store floor reading the old tech readout books while my parents would go look at VHS tapes to rent and wondering how I'd make my own.

The game is so good that I had a lot of trouble falling asleep after playing it because the mind is constantly wondering about the next best fit.
Ahhh, but do you still have the old tech read outs?

I still love to look at mine...along with my 1st ed. AD&D books and my box set D&D sets

Ahh, remembering the past....

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Ahhh, but do you still have the old tech read outs?

I still love to look at mine...along with my 1st ed. AD&D books and my box set D&D sets

Ahh, remembering the past....
I do still have them. In a box somewhere. I have PDFs of them too for easy reading.

Deleted member 6105

Have you guys seen this?


it was a completely free to play project guys were working on, and had a non-commerical license for, but got pressured into shutting down when MWO came out. However another group picked up the project last year and it's back. Better maps, better mechs AND you can play any of the support units including tanks and planes, so dogfighting on the battlefield.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I can't play another first person Mech Warrior game until they bring back force feedback support. There's something about feeling every step of your mech, every time you fire or get hit and every time you use your jump jets that's just "immersive".


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Just because, here's some stuff to look at that you all might like. Obviously 5 isn't out yet, but this is my childhood journey of Mech Warrior up to today. Honestly 3 was my favorite, or at least I remember being so immersed in it and just loving the game. I hope 5 has force feedback support. I still have my sidewinder 2!



Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Just because, here's some stuff to look at that you all might like. Obviously 5 isn't out yet, but this is my childhood journey of Mech Warrior up to today. Honestly 3 was my favorite, or at least I remember being so immersed in it and just loving the game. I hope 5 has force feedback support. I still have my sidewinder 2!

I have some great memories of playing the MW3 demo every single day for like 2 weeks after school until perfection, it was so amazing, especially once I got my MS Sidewinder FFB Pro hooked up and working. You are totally right about the force feedback, it just turns up the whole thing to 11!
I had the same thing with Freespace 2, the way the thing rumbles with the afterburner and explosions is priceless, and playing with a non-ffb joystick just feels numb after that.
Back in those days, I couldn't afford to buy a game, so I never got to play the full version of MW3. Now that I could afford it, and even "find" it for free, I just can't get it to install or run.
A few years back, when I re-discovered MW due to MWO being announced, I played through MW4 Vengence because it worked on whatever version of Windows I had at the time, and today I installed MW4 Mercenaries. I didn't even know it existed, it's freakin awesome! The only thing that I miss, is the FFB support, as I would have to build a different kind of USB adaptor to the one I use with my "regular" MS Sidewinder 3d Pro (my stick for playing SC), and I just can be bothered. For now.
Also, in MW4R, the mouse aiming seems a lot like using a joystick with a huge deadzone. I hope there's some kinda fix for that cos precision aiming is almost impossible.
Can't wait for MW5!
I discovered yesterday, that MWO has turned into an unrecognizable strange cartoonish cashgrab. I played the beta and for like a month after release. It was pretty and fun, especially during the beta, and looked like a nice alternative-copy of WoT, but it went downhill real fast. I wish it would have remained as it was, because in it's current form, it's just confusing and weird. They lost some licence or closed down the original studio or something?
Mechwarrior 2 holds a special place in my history, as a "review" of MW2 in a PC magazine was the first longer than 3 words kind of written piece I have read on my own, for my own enjoyment, without anyone forcing me to do it. It was written as a first person story, basically a full mission play through, through the eyes of the pilot. The guy got his ass kicked on some ice planet lol. It was good writing though, as it made me realize that reading can be fun too!
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Have you guys seen this?


it was a completely free to play project guys were working on, and had a non-commerical license for, but got pressured into shutting down when MWO came out. However another group picked up the project last year and it's back. Better maps, better mechs AND you can play any of the support units including tanks and planes, so dogfighting on the battlefield.
iirc Sean Tracy was working on that before he went to CIG.
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