So myself and a few other people were talking about Terraria in Mumble last night (I was lucky enough to join the channel as they were mid-conversation!). We decided to give it a go! There were some major updates recently and the game is flippin amazing! I played a lot of Terraria a long long time ago, and playing it again last night with a few people made me realize how much of an amazing game it is. We played for 4 hours straight and the time flew by.
So we're looking for more! Terraria is only $7.50 in the Steam store, and it is absolutely worth the buy.
If you have it / are getting it, and are interested in playing, let us know!
Please post your steam ID so we can group up.
If this gains enough popularity, we will be hosting a persistent TEST server. For the time being, we just hosted locally.
Creative & exploratory minds are needed!
Join us!