Test Home Planet


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm not sure a single moon would fit all of us. Also, consider the fact that we need diverse ecosystems for mining, farming, scuba diving and whatnot. Breathable atmosphere would be a huge plus, also.
We need a large moon or a planet in the Goldilocks zone.
I don't think you clearly understand how big a "small moon" is if we took a moon with 15,000 square km of surface area we would each have a square km to build and 15,000 square km moon would be VERY VERY VERY small Earths Moon is 37.9 million square kilometers (even with downscaling of size The Moon would be on the edge of too big for us). Agreed if we can get a moon to terraform that would be best. but we do not need, require, and it would be indefeasible for anything bigger than a moon, even for an org of our size.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I was wondering if TEST has plans to nominate a planet as its home planet where Testies would build the bases and provide mutual protection for org mates. If so, I think it should be in a system with sufficient resources like a Gas Giant for fuel harvesting and preferably an asteroid field for an alternative mining zone.
We need to control the "Great Centauri Republic."

"We came out of the sky, a veritable cloud of starships... "
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
It'll be like this, but with Aurora's.

The town of Shipwreck, in Shipwreck Cove, on Shipwreck Island, on Planet Shipwreck, in the Shipwreck system.

View attachment 8087

Got my vote.
I'd love for us to have a base called shipwreck that other orgs would fearfully plot courses around, only to have swarms of hammered auroras tumble past.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
NONE OF THEM. We skilled pilots and drunk friends should stay in the stars as God intended
"Skilled pilots" lolololololol
It'll be like this, but with Aurora's.

The town of Shipwreck, in Shipwreck Cove, on Shipwreck Island, on Planet Shipwreck, in the Shipwreck system.

View attachment 8087
Second. Or third. Or whatever. Me likey
Funny you say that.. This was found on a freelancer inventory console by brave bothan spies...
Those poor brave bothans.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't think you clearly understand how big a "small moon" is if we took a moon with 15,000 square km of surface area we would each have a square km to build and 15,000 square km moon would be VERY VERY VERY small Earths Moon is 37.9 million square kilometers (even with downscaling of size The Moon would be on the edge of too big for us). Agreed if we can get a moon to terraform that would be best. but we do not need, require, and it would be indefeasible for anything bigger than a moon, even for an org of our size.
You are absolutely right. 15,000 km2 is A LOT! The smaller our base will be, the easier we'll manage to maintain and protect it!


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
It's hard to say with certainty, but at least some of the org will disappear when the game releases. There are quite a few that are counted among the 15,000+ that are here because it's the coolest place to hang out while the game is in development. Inevitably, people are going to want their own path and to make a name for themselves as an individual or smaller org.

So when it comes time, I don't know if we will have 15,000 org mates with which to populate even a smaller moon. These moons are shockingly huge. Maybe we will be looking at a larger asteroid. Maybe we will be looking at a collection of smaller asteroids and space stations that we will use to establish a universal presence instead of settling for just one sector.

To be honest though, I seriously hope that you will be able to purchase an entire moon or planet. If they allow this, I will definitely be buying my own planet. I'll name it Bob... Planet Bob.


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
To be honest though, I seriously hope that you will be able to purchase an entire moon or planet.
It seems very unlikely, given that they already have an approximation of how large the universe will be and how many systems/planets there are. They probably wont let any single person/org own any planetary body. They've implied that they will be actually taking steps against that, but they haven't said what those steps will be.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
It's hard to say with certainty, but at least some of the org will disappear when the game releases. There are quite a few that are counted among the 15,000+ that are here because it's the coolest place to hang out while the game is in development. Inevitably, people are going to want their own path and to make a name for themselves as an individual or smaller org.

So when it comes time, I don't know if we will have 15,000 org mates with which to populate even a smaller moon. These moons are shockingly huge. Maybe we will be looking at a larger asteroid. Maybe we will be looking at a collection of smaller asteroids and space stations that we will use to establish a universal presence instead of settling for just one sector.

To be honest though, I seriously hope that you will be able to purchase an entire moon or planet. If they allow this, I will definitely be buying my own planet. I'll name it Bob... Planet Bob.
The 42 that stay will have enough attitude, personality, and beer to make up for the 14958 that left.
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Nho44lGVV8

Been waitin' a while to get this shitpost in, I saw my shot, and I took it

God bless you Gimp, God bless you.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm game for claiming moons, the smaller surface area would let us claim more space or even multiple moons around a single or multiple planets. These could act as forward bases for planet-side operations like mining or further colonization. Or we can just settle for being Moon-Men aboard our Moon-Bases drinking our Moon-Shine.
Test Moonies? Sounds like a religious type of group.

There was a post by Montoya a while back, advising that some thought had been given to this and a likely candidate selected (if I recall correctly). It's too early for that location to be announced as we will want to establish a presence there before disclosing that to other organisations, but don't worry, it's in hand.
I thought we were going to going to conquer - establish- on planet Nope.
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