Test Squadron Janitorial Duties


Dec 29, 2015
RSI Handle
Hey folks! This is Ge-Force from Star Citizen checking in and readying my janitorial tools for duty!

  • Where you from stranger?
    • I'm from Odessa, Texas and after a ten year active duty career in the United States Army as an Airborne Combat Engineer (MOS 12B3P5W8) I now reside in/around Houston, Texas area as a has been bad ass and modern day family man/professional office creature.
  • What drew you to Star Citizen?
    • It's pretty much the game I've always wanted to be a part of... I've lurked SC for so long (kickstarter) and yet I couldn't justify spending the money on it with two little kiddos. After 2.0 released I couldn't wait any longer so I dove into the Freelance Dur package and then bought a couple of other ships (Mustang Beta and Origin Jumpworks 315p) and almost got divorced in the process. I had some 'splainin' to do!!! In essence, Star Citizen embodies the PC gaming experience and being a Science Fiction game... I'm sold and this will be the game I spend many, many years playing after launch.
  • What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
    • That's hard to narrow down. I'm a traditional MMORPG kinda guy but I LOVE sandbox and simulation games so exploration will be a big part of the fun for me. That being said, the MMO part of me wants to be a part of coordinated PvP or PvE operations on hard targets... such as, taking out fortified stations, captial ships, etc.
  • What was the first game you remember playing?
    • PC Wise... It was Space Quest!
    • Console Wise... Pole Position on Atari.
  • What other games do you play?
    • Star Wars The Old Republic - June 2011 (Beta Tester) - Present
    • Empyrion: Galactic Survival - August 2015 (Closed Internal Tester) - Present
    • Star Wars Battlefront - Meh... piddling around with it but not happy.
  • How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
    • By watching Test Squadron streams on Twitch! Harbinger, SGT_Gamble, etc. I dropped into discord with them and played some SC and had a blast with these guys! These are the type of folks I want to be around!
  • Picard or Kirk?
    • Make it so!


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
Space Quest was a great game.

Your choice of a Freelancer DUR, 315P and Beta are excellent. I also have the DUR and 315P(great fighter) and recently CCUed my Beta for a Reliant SEN.

Welcome to TEST, pleased to have you with us.
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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
Your application is so beautiful and tidy. Welcome to TEST Squadron BEST Sqardon!
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Reactions: Turboxide


Dec 29, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks for the warm welcome! I'm looking forward to meeting more of you in Discord and in game so look for me in Harbinger's channel sometime. Also, I just wanted to say, you guys have some awesome community ambassadors streaming and promoting SC and Test Squadron.

@Montoya & @supitza - Thanks! A janitor prides himself in attention to detail!

@CosmicTrader - I have fond memories of playing the Space Quest series with my dad and brother. It was such a cool game back then! The Freelancer DUR is going to be a great asset at launch but I really wanted the Constellation Aquila. Unless I decide to buy into cargo hauling or science that will likely be my first big ship buy at launch. I desperately need to buy a gunship or interceptor now though so I don't embarass @Harbinger8 anymore during his live streams! :P

@Blind Owl - Sappers Forward brother! How long have you been in? I had the distinct pleasure of fighting alongside Canadian Sappers in Afghanistan circa 2006-2007. We had a rough few months in Southern Afghanistan during that time but they still managed to get Timmy Ho's out to us every so often when the LOG PACKS would run!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Thanks! A janitor prides himself in attention to detail!
Ha, Space Quest was awesome. Golden mop awarded for outstanding janitalia.

@Blind Owl - Sappers Forward brother! How long have you been in? I had the distinct pleasure of fighting alongside Canadian Sappers in Afghanistan circa 2006-2007. We had a rough few months in Southern Afghanistan during that time but they still managed to get Timmy Ho's out to us every so often when the LOG PACKS would run!
2009 I signed up. Late bloomer, you could say, as I joined at 30. I didn't make it onto any of the ROTO's to Afghanistan. It's a bloody dog fight for us to get on tour, with a lot of "right place right time". I always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. We'll see what happens now though, with the Middle East blowing up like it is.
Ha. That's the most Canadian thing ever. Timmie's runs into a war zone. Amazing what that damn cup of coffee will do for morale eh? Glad you made 'er home safe and sound brother. Sappers lead the way. Chimo.


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST!
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