Store is online at : https://testsquadron.myspreadshop.com/
The Quickie - $15
This is the cheapest option! Quality is good, it will serve its purpose! It has the full test logo on the front, nothing on the back.

The Standard - $19.90
Same material as the Quickie, only difference is you get the small logo on the front and big logo on the back.
Fancy Shmancy - $27.70

This shirt is made from a higher quality material and should withstand spills from 2 Vodkas and 5 beers. Same logo placements as the standard shirt. You can edit the text to your handle.
Hi guys!
Do you want to be the coolest backer at any SC event?
Do you want women approaching you on the street, asking for your number?
You need the latest in haute couture from TEST!
All these shirts are sold at cost from the site as to make them as cheap as possible for our members!
NOTE: Customize your text using the button indicated below! If you fail to follow this very simple step, your shirt will say "YOUR HANDLE", which is probably what most of us will be wearing since all the men here never bother reading instructions.
- Moved text and logo higher on back of all shirts. Please note that you are limited to 23 characters. If you need more space, contact me and I can make a version with small text for you.
- Added a higher quality shirt from American Apparel. $27.70 instead of $24.40, but material is supposed to be better if you care about your sensitive skin.
- Added a zipped hoodie to the store. Text on front, large logo on back.
- Removed $24.40 shirts, replaced with American Apparel quality shirt, better material, only $3 more.
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