TEST Thanksgiving Giveaway - Operation Dark Marsupial

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I am spearheading the initiative for us to have a contest in November to give away a few prizes to people on the RSI forum like we did in July/August. Looking for 2-3 people to donate because I'm not going to donate my entire hangar(saving some up to convert to store credit to get the fleet pack).

I myself will be donating a Constellation Phoenix(standalone) to the Operation as top prize. Again, looking for 2-3 other prizes if at all possible from you guys if you don't mind spending some money for a good cause(ie, our increased recruitment and eventual downfall of XPLOR). Maybe Dear Leader will use some of the war chest to have T-shirts made we can give away? Or a few Auroras for spice? Maybe a Freelancer or Hornet. Something interesting be creative(which I know is hard).

Montoya, lets talk in the next few days and do this! Now we just need a theme....


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Wow! That's an incredible prize and a fantastic contest idea! Do we suspect that there might be any sales on limited ships between now and then? I'm certain that limited ships would be much more desirable prizes, but we of course don't want to have one as the prize only to have them pop back up in the store during the Anniversary Sale the same week as the contest is ending.

Also I think we could also consider coordinating and going halfsies (or split 3 or 4 ways) in with another person on on a larger prize ship like a freelancer?
Two people splitting an avenger instead of each buying an Aurora? Three people buying a hornet or freelancer instead of 3 Auroras? Four people splitting a Taurus? I think scientifically people are going to prefer larger, shinier prizes, even if their odds of winning are lower.
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Jul 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Holy crap, you are giving your Phoenix away? I just got mine and would never think to part with it.

I will donate an Aurora Arena Commander starter package. Or it will just be an Aurora Depending on what happens with the AC module in the coming weeks and months, maybe they will decide to open it up for free later on. Or if the Mustang comes out around that time, and is in a close price point, some variety would be nice.

If we decide to go in the route of a larger more expensive ship instead of the Aurora like Walex said, I will slap down $45.
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Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Lol no, I have another I'll create sometime soon. I have the upgrade for it. :)
So was there some issue with the count of the total number of Phoenix's sold? As in upgrades purchased not counting unless they were actually applied?

I saw on the RSI forums today that they disappeared from the store on Saturday, but came back last night? I went ahead and purchased the Phoenix upgrade, but I'm not going to apply it until more details come to light about it to decide if that's truly the ship I want or if I'd rather have something else. Still though, I find it really hard to believe that only ~800 were actually sold, especially if 5/800 of those are Montoya, Black Sunder (x2), MAGGIOMAN, and me. I'm thinking a very significant amount of Phoenix Upgrades were purchased but not applied, and these didn't count in the total?

I'm trying to think about the other contests I've seen. You're right in that we want to stand out. Way out. I've seen one that was 4 ships (Gladius, Xi'an, Gladiator, and a Starfarer) and one was given away each round (rounds were ~1month). I saw one for a Freelancer MAX. And there was ours for a Xi'an Scout. I don't recall seeing one for a Hornet, so that actually seems like a good prize choice. I definitely have not seen one for a Phoenix, so I know for a certifiable fact you will get everyone's attention with that!

Your Generosity Level is over NINE THOUSAAAAAAAAAND!


Jul 11, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't believe it either. There have been sales of other ships for short periods of time and those were eaten up very quickly. I think they may have overextended the number by a little bit. But with the scale of the game I don't really see it as an issue. The price tag is a little more prohibitive than some of the other ships they have sold. I'm sure as time passes whatever happened will become transparent, CIG is good at that.

Walex, we should make a commercial being overly dramatic about how we have these ships but nowhere for them to go:

(In the arms of the angels plays in the background)
"These ships are just sitting in the discount hangar looking for a new home. Won't you help?"
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Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
We did the ship adoption angle last time for the Xi'an scout we offered up. We need to do something like "Give Thanks to TEST Squadron. We keep all the baddies out of YOUR organization by keeping them in OURS...wait...."
"We have these really awesome ships. Originally, we just planned to just crash them along with Aurora fleet, but our pilot licenses were revoked for good behavior. Calling for all available volunteers to pilot these ships to a fiery doom."
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Jul 11, 2014
RSI Handle
We did the ship adoption angle last time for the Xi'an scout we offered up. We need to do something like "Give Thanks to TEST Squadron. We keep all the baddies out of YOUR organization by keeping them in OURS...wait...."
Did we really? I must have missed that. I guess I just put my name in and waited. o_O

I like Walex's idea. Orient it around our passion for flying into things or just being more laid back in general. Maybe make a beer prize if it is applicable to their age!


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
We did the ship adoption angle last time for the Xi'an scout we offered up. We need to do something like "Give Thanks to TEST Squadron. We keep all the baddies out of YOUR organization by keeping them in OURS...wait...."
This is a solid angle.

Alternate angle: "We got this brand new Phoenix, and realized that this thing is just too nice to be left in the hands of our pilots, which got us thinking. So we've taken inventory of our hangar, and identified a number of ships that we're too inept to fly without disrespecting the ship. We're offering them to you in this contest, and only ask in exchange that you send your worst pilots over to TEST. We have a reputation to maintain, after all, and simply can't abide ineptness being scattered about out there. Concentrate it. TEST Squardon."
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Grand Admiral
May 23, 2014
RSI Handle
If drinking is the theme, then you can have a 300i. I horked* all over in there and I ain't cleaning it up.

*Technicolor yawn...

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Some bad news. After talking with Montoya last night there isn't any way to do this right now that would gain us anything. It would literally be another giveaway. At least with the Scout giveaway we were trying to get Baron his followers. This has no real goal in mind that we could think of. Rest assured though if something comes up and we can make it work I'll be first to jump in and offer up the prize.

So if any of you slackers have any ideas on how to do this and a clear goal in mind and the WHY to do it, go talk to Big M, AKA Furious Tingling Nipples.

So my apologies for bringing the light down on this but after talking it out, it kept sounding like a worse and worse idea. Not only that but the Anniversary sale will happen in November which would be terrible for any giveaway we want to do then.


Lame Title
Nov 16, 2013
RSI Handle
I might donate in a later givaway, but I still haven't gotten to fly all my ships yet!

I'll let you guys handle the indrunktrination.


Space Marshal
Jul 10, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm also up for a giveaway later on, at least i can help with supporting it then. (already spend my "get crazy" money for this and next month :( )
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