Ok, This is ambitious of me to try but... if it all goes well we have an awesome way of propaganda and I am one happy bunny :D. so without further or do, here's a list of shit I nee people to do:
- Someone to act (preferably drunk) in a dark-ish room. Montoya would be a perfect person for this :). AVIATORS MANDATORY
- People with access to the F7CM due to the fact its the only twin seat fighter in AC.
- Someone who doesn't have the voice-box of a pig to sing (Preferably male). Can also do lyrics if said person pleases.
- Lyrics writer if singer can't (or won't) write lyrics
- 6-7 fighter pilots
- (Joke) Someone to make a sex tape with a blonde for authenticity!
- someone (or two) to re-enact the bar scene and hangar scene. Alternatively we could have Sandi/Chris (Or Ben xD)'s faces overlaying Tom cruise and Kelly McGrillis's
- Locker scene,probably face overlapping Iceman's, some TESTie needed
- Rest of the scenes we cant do in AC alone. e.g. coffee scene.

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