TGN Feedback Thread


Pit Crew
Staff member
Feb 12, 2015
RSI Handle
I understand that TGN (Test Gaming Network) is a brand new resource and still in concept and design stages and that my own personal feedback consists of largely small things here and there, but because I did not see one (because I'm very lazy and didn't search) and I did have some points to raise I decided to start a feedback thread in case anyone who used the service required it.

Anyway here goes:

The mobile experience for this website is brilliant; it's clean, clear, very user friendly and highly navigable, however I do not feel as if the panelling aesthetic works very well on larger screens; the mismatched sizes of feature images cobbled together in an an awkward mosaic has a very 'Son of Dr.Windowsmestrostein' look to it. Additionally, the preview text underneath the titles for each panel often trail off midway through sentences.

Two things that I would propose would be a uniform, set feature image size across the board (There could be the exception of 'headline' pieces which may have larger images and more preview text similar to how the gameblog Destructoid handles review articles; larger, versus smaller images for news and opinion articles) and to increase the maximum character limit on preview text sentences to allow at least one or two coherent sentences before petering out.

My third suggestion will probably require the most work but knowing (or not knowing, for that matter) the power of our resident netmancer may only appear that way to my unenlightened eyes (I digress) would be to over time change the layout of the page to a vertical, list (newest on top) as opposed to mosaic (newest on the left) however this just a design choice; mosaic may well look stunning with uniform feature images.

Those are just my three points, anyone else with feedback pertaining to TGN please feel free to post them here (Just try not to hurt as many feelings as I probably have :eek: )
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