That time Anthony Bourdain went to the Waffle House


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
RIP Anthony Bourdain, found dead in his hotel room, suicide.

As always, if any of you ever need to talk, there are plenty of members here that have gone through a lot and can help!

If you are currently feeling suicidal please check out some of these resources: [UK] [AU]


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
First the Designer Kate spade a few days ago, now Anthony. This is horrible and makes me sad. CDC reported suicide rate is up 30% since 1998. A lot of factors I've seen and experienced are cultural as well as mental illness related. Life is hard. Thank you for your post Montoya.


Be excellent to each other and party on dudes.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
I've been there, I got through it, you won't believe how low the odds of me being here were.

Support is out there, family and friends are a huge part of your support group, don't ignore them, if anything I'd have to say my friends (a select few) were primarily responsible to getting me through a tough time.

I was in a bad way and without disclosing too much I guess you could say I was almost another statistic.

Well I'm in TEST so there is still room for improvement...


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been there, I got through it, you won't believe how low the odds of me being here were.

Support is out there, family and friends are a huge part of your support group, don't ignore them, if anything I'd have to say my friends (a select few) were primarily responsible to getting me through a tough time.

I was in a bad way and without disclosing too much I guess you could say I was almost another statistic.

Well I'm in TEST so there is still room for improvement...

I'm glad you decided to give it all another chance. I'm glad you had people who had enough heart to want to help you. Moving forward I'll tell you the same thing I told my sister. "All you have to do is decide what kind of person you want to be." The first step is hoping you want to be one that's alive. Gandalf would tell you "all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us." I'd listen to Gandalf if no one else :P


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Echoing what others have said, it has been a real sad week. The suicides of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were tragedies, and the news that suicides have gone up across the country is also very sad. Behind every number and statistic is a person and a family that were devastated by the suicide of their loved one.

If anybody feels so bad as to try to take their life, please reach out and tell somebody what is on your mind. And, if somebody tries to engage you in a conversation about how bad they feel, please be there for the person, and guide them to help. One of the helpline numbers Montoya listed above would be a great start.

At my place of work, we just had a young mother kill herself, apparently as a result of postpartum depression. We have all been devastated by the tragedy, and we all feel awful that we didn't realize what she was going through. Not to mention the how devastated her family is by this.
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Vice Admiral
Jan 7, 2017
RSI Handle
This is a hard one, but I knew he had some dark spots so can I admit I wasn't completely surprised?

I had a friend take their own life, seen friend go through their SO's committing suicide, and I've also seen depression run full in some sects of family. The concept of depression to the point of suicide so foreign to most people, but let me tell you just being there for someone is huge. Just to be there, show up, talk, reach out, it makes a difference. But it also takes due diligence, no one is one day cured. A temporary fix can be medication, but typical health and lifestyle must change to improve the situation.

Anthony was an amazing person and I loved his writing, television programs, interviews, etc. He was troubled and I heard he drank a lot to sometimes deal with the demons he had, which is a common self medication.

Reach out folks. Its the key medicine.
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