The application sent me.


Vice Admiral
Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle

I am vindslav, and I am simply doing as the application stated I should do, as the good little sheep I am.
I am a uni student, studying sociology, anthropology and classics, with a minors in classical Greek and Latin, though I know very little of both as of yet. I will state that using both helps me in no way when attempting to impress the opposite sex. Though, in honesty, it may be due to the inflection that intoxication creates upon one's tongue.

Currently I am in a couple of other orgs, one of which is just friends, the other is primarily I am finding it hard to associate with. A bit of an age gap, and generally there is not much going on there at the moment. I have known about TEST for quite a while, it is pretty hard not too if you follow Star Citizen, and while I found the premise of the organisation amusing, interesting and (to be honest) a tad scary, upon hearing some of the escapades to which the Org desires to get up to, it was hard to not apply.

I currently live on the Eastern Coast of Australia, fret not though, for I am actually a New Zealander, which means I can hold my liquor, unlike most of the locals. So, with my fondness of spirits and Star Citizen, I do think that I may hold common ground with many here.

Thank you all for having me, although I was never invited.

Edit: So I did not read the rules of introducing one's self here.

Where you from stranger?
Originally, mid-North Island, New Zealand. Currently reside in New South Wales, Australia.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
A combination of desired features in a single game. Pretty much.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Lore. I generally focus on lore, not particularly story, but the precursor events. Usually you find this stuff from exploration, I am assuming that it will be the same with SC.

What was the first game you remember playing?
That I cannot remember. The first game I bought with my own money though was Super Mario World for the SNES.

What other games do you play?
Currently, Super Smash Bros (both Wii U and 3DS), Warframe, Elite Dangerous, Final Fantasy XIV, Age of Mythology (I still can not believe they made a HD version of AoM)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

The first time I heard about TEST was probably a year ago, and some people I was talking to were worried about the org. Thinking that it was going to be along the lines of the Goons.
I started looking for other orgs to join, a while back, in an attempt to broaden connections, preferably with entertaining people. The more I learned about TEST, the more I wanted to join.

Picard or Kirk?
I somewhat fail to see the difference in either character to be honest. Both hold the same key personality traits, in fact a lot of the Star Trek Captains do, with the exception of probably Sisco who does nothing but continuously doubt everything. The only real difference between Kirk and Picard would be the lack of offspring that Picard left throughout the systems he traveled through.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
another sheep from the land where men are men and sheep are nervous!


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! We look forward to having you as no other org will!
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Reactions: Eliyahu


May 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Excellent, another unwitting fool to throw into the grinder...

Oh, I mean welcome to TEST. May your beer be cold and you Auroras crash-resistant.


Vice Admiral
Mar 28, 2015
RSI Handle
How very pleasant and kind of you all. Thank you for the questionable and warm welcomes.

Just one thing, @maynard please do not mention sheep. Nothing arouses me more.

I look forward to foolishly dying besides you all.
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