The current state of 3.3.0 FPS mission - I broke my ALT-F4 keys... thanks Kareah! (long wall of text)


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Warning: don't take this too seriously lol

And not because the game locks up or has stability issues. Oh no. On the contrary!

It feels too much like a real game now!
It is friggin amazing! The flying around the shops, the atmosphere, all the while having actually enjoyable framerates... It feels pretty damn good. It feels like a real game now..
But with this "real" feel comes consequences. While having 40-60+ fps is amazing, and being stable for over 3 hours of gaming in one session, there is one thing that really really deeply pissed me off.

The Kareah FPS mission!

It's supposed to be an easy stroll through the station, point and clicking at whatever moves, and cashing in 500aUEC+ whatever you get for completion. At least that's how I played it on the PTU when it worked, and that's what I saw on every stream I watched. It's just some dumb ai, strolling around clueless, and you can pick them off no problem, right?

Well, I just lost ALL of my lowly 16500 aUEC that I had to this mission in those last 3 hours.

I'm a decent enough FPS player. I can aim down sights and score a headshot from a 60+ degree turn before the sight actually comes up most of the time, as I'm sure you can, just like most ppl can. I've been doing this for like 20 years FFS... I have no issues going in slow and low and being patient, being all anti-CoD-like and tactical and shit ( oldschool Rainbow Six FTW!).
But this mission is F**KING BULLSHIT!

One of the things that bothers me, is that there are always some random player ships parked at Kareah, so I always think that some one else might be inside, whom I do not want to shoot. So I try to identify my targets as best as I can, but because of the LODs if someone is more than 3-4 meters away, like at the other end of the hallways, they look like generic grey armored dudes, not the yellow kareah pirates! NO ONE can tell me that those blobs are identifiable as friend or foe when they are running at distance. Yet, those blobs will start shooting at you with their SMG's with pinpoint accuracy, delivering their 20 perfect hits in one millisecond due to lag! And you kneel over...
But in these 3 hours, while seeing many ships parked there, I've never met another player inside! Is this place instanced for when I have the mission it's only me/my groups?? Or everyone who went there died before I got inside?
Also, the Ai doesn't react in time. Every reaction it has lags behind like 2-3 seconds! So as described above, a character running up next to you, stopping and doing nothing for a second or two, most likely means you are dead. As it was an enemy NPC that lagged a bit, and while it's erratic movement kinda got through to you, the rest of his actions didn't. And you got shot while looking at his T-posed upper body running towards you with his back...

Which wouldn't really be an issue, if you could try it again and again, but...
Let me go back a step, as this is a much deeper issue than some lagging NPCs.
I'm a lowly original backer with a basic 300i bountyhunter pack, an Aurora MR, Greycat, and now a new Mustang Alpha Citcon edition. (I'm happy with my contribution, and I do not regret it or miss that money) This means that I have the entry level ships, good for some very limited cargo runs, and popping 1-2 pirate auroras maybe. Mostly just good for running away at the moment, as I haven't seen any space combat mission or encounter that didn't have at least a Cutlass or Connie pop up alongside them. Which in itself makes it impossible to even attempt anything involving space combat, so those missions are out.
Delivery missions are the only viable option for these ships really. I think that's kinda stupid on CiGs part, blocking most of their player base from completing the most basic space combat missions the game will ever offer, but okay.
"But it's an alpha!!!" - I hear you scream!
Yeah, you can go and do you-know-what with you-know-whom...
This is something that I'm sure they could have fixed by changing a single f*cking number in their mission scripts... But that wouldn't play well with the streamers in their fancy ships and doing things in groups right? EFF the lonely asshole trying to enjoy his game as he likes for half an hour, without having to set up a whole "command center" and arrange 3 other ppl to help him out...
Anyways, I digress.
SO what your basic player with a starter ship package can do, who sometimes would like to or has to play alone, is basically doing UPS runs, or the Kareah FPS mission! After 1+ year of UPS runs, I tried option 2.

And this is where our protagonist wakes up in his hab to the chirp of his mobiglass.
Oh, a new mission popped up in the general/mercenary tab, something to do with pirates invading Security Post Kareah. This sounds like fun, let's go kick some ass!
But waaaaait a second!
First off, you gotta get dressed. Having a pretty decent 16500 aUEC to start with, that can get you a light armor set, a cheap smg, a shotgun, ammo, grenades, stimpacks, and you are still left with around 9000-ish aUEC. Sounds fair enough.
Then you hop in, fly to Kareah, land, walk in the door, and spot your first enemy! Great, a short burst from the ballistic SMG, he goes down! This was easy! Only 6 more to go!
And then 2 spawn in the corridor behind you, and you die before you realize that they can actually spawn in whenever wherever, becuase someone else left some of them dead only a few minutes ago, then probably left.( got disconnected, or killed so the whole place is constantly changing mess!)

Oh well, shit happens, let's try again!

Claim ship... Eff the 5 minute wait time, spend 250 on lowering it to 50ish seconds! Get in ship, takeoff, set nav, and go... Oh wait, mission is not in the logs anymore, gotta accept it again once it pops up! That took like 2-5 minutes, you could have spared that 250... Anyways, onwards to Kareah!
After landing at Kareah you sneak in crouched, take out your ri.... "Waaaaaait a second!! Where the hell is my Rifle!!!!"

-Yeah, You LOSE whatever gun you had in your hands when you die! So if you just spent 4500 aUEC on a Gallant Rifle, you gotta buy it again! I can see why this is a good thing in the long run! Things have consequences! I'm perfectly fine with that. I wouldn't even complain about it, if I had a chance to make that money back in a decent amount of time on my own, but that's not the case yet. This will hopefully change soon enough. That's a ton of credits when all you have left is 9000...

As you are already there, and you were smart (yeah, hahaha...) enough to buy a R97 Shotgun as well, which is still in your inventory, you equip it, then remember to change out the ammo mags you have equipped as well (cos you are smarty mac smarts!), and move on.

First enemy pops out his head from the cover of boxes in the main hallway 5 meters away, like he knew all along that you were coming. Oh well, time to test this shotgun. You aim at his head, and fire! Hit, but the enemy is unfazed, and starts shooting back! You aim at his, shooting 6 more rounds hitting him in the head for no effect. As he starts shooting back, you spot a pillar wide enough to hide 2 marines in heavy armor, so you run and crouch behind it.
"ouch, what the hell??"
The world goes grey. While your bleeding out from head and chest wounds, you come to realize that the end of your shotgun must have been sticking out from behind cover and that's how you got injured, while you fumble around to use one of the two healing pens you have on your belt. Finding the pen, you stick it in your arm, reload the shotgun, and with your newfound drug fueled rage, charge towards your enemy!
But he is already out in the open, only 3 meters away! You start shooting and watch as he takes 7! hits, meanwhile hitting you again in the arms, and finally falls to the floor!
Well, that's one more medpen gone, and one more magazine almost empty, time to reload and equip 2 more medpens.

As you move deeper, you notice the light glinting from the yellow armored head of another pirate, behind the corner at the end of the hallway. Remembering that the shotgun is absolutely useless at these ranges, you go for the oldest trick in the Generic FPS games handbook. You pull out your trusty sidearm, the "(insert name of deffault ballastic pistol, not the arclight anymore?)". You take careful aim at head, and fire!
Dinggggg!! The full on hit in the face wakes up the enemy, and he runs into the middle of the hallway. You bump the whole magazine into his head and chest, and he collapses in the cartoonish Z shaped chalk outline as all ragdolls are trained to do. But wait! There it is! His SMG!!! You run towards it, crashing to the floor and grabing it! "Finally, a usefull weapon and I even have ammo for it!" you think, naively.

The SMG dissolves into nothing as your fingers close into a fist. You open your fingers in disbelief, as where once was an SMG, you now see nothing but thin air...
"f*ck it, I can do this by sneaking up to them close enough"

You spot the next guy from above, standing at the bottom of the stairs with his back facing you, a couple of meters away. Really lucky, you can get him in one shot from beh.... "How the hell did he spot me while crouching and not moving at all behind his back!! Dammit!"
You frantically pull the trigger 5 times as you try to crawl backwards behind cover, and notice the gallons of blood splatter coming from your enemies body as ALL your shots connect... Oh glorious shotgun, this ought to be good!
And you're Dead again from a short burst of SMG fire from the AI... While exhaling your last breath you see the guy walk away, unscathed by the 5 shots of ballistic shotgun to the face from a couple of meters away.
That's another 2500+ammo aUEC lost.

So apperently this shotgun only works from point blank range (tested it, it does work well from point blank, unlike most fps games with their "middle of camera" aim), anything further away than 20 inches will not take enough damage from 2-3 shots to die before it kills you first. Great, we've all learned something today!

Let's try again, with the SMG, taht seemed to work well and you still have some fill mags left. Another 3000 aUEC ligher, you arrive at Kareah again. You see all of the ships from your previous attempts still there on the landing pads, untouched. Keep doing this long enough and there will be nowhere left to land!

You clear out the first long corridor where 4 enemies were messing about, and hide behind a column. Having used up another 2 medpens and partly used 3 out of the 3 mags on your belt, you decide it's time to re equip fresh ones. (note that at this point the mission would be failed as you ran out of resources and have to put stuff from your mobiglass on you person, which you won't be able to do in the finished game).But while fumbling with your PiPBo.. khm.. Mobiglass, you notice some faint metallic pinging noises coming from the background.
"oh crap, I'm being peppered with bullets!!"
You hasitly close turn off your mobiglass, and empty your last magazine into the enemy who just spawned in from nowhere. Damn, you're bleeding again, time to equip another Medipen!
You manage to equip and use it just in time to stop you from bleeding out. (post the word Ketchup in the comments if you got this far lol)
"Phew, that was a close call! Waiting for my arm to rise up to face level, so I can equip a Medipen, and then waiting for it the fall back down so I can use it... Those 8 to 10 seconds almost got me killed!"
(pls note that this ofc won't be an issue later as I said in my previous note above; unless we get bags to carry more medipens and ammo in...)
Moving forward, you shoot one more guy with whatever ammo you had on your belt, it's time to change out those 3 mags with only 2-3 rounds left in them!
Just clicking the magazines on your mobiglass won't refill them though, you gotta unequip and re-epuip them! While doing this, an enemy spawns next to you, and finishes you off in a flash of bullets.

That's it! You had enough of messing around! It's time to step it up and buy a proper rifle! The Gallant it is! Spending your very last credits on the rifle (4500) more medipens (4x50), a bunch of ammo (120), and expedition fees (250), you go in for one last last time, swearing to finish this once and for all!
Get there, land, waltz in, shoot everything. Simple.
After exiting the airlock, you see the first enemy through the doorway. You pump a short burst into him, and he dies fast.
"Finally! A gun that works!" - you shout triumphantly, waking up the cat and wife in the room next door...
All the while failing to catch the telltale yellow armor of another enemy coming up the corridor, behind some boxes, through pipes, hidden by half of the corner you crouch behind. As your turn slowly in his direction, your perspective suddenly changes, seeing yourself kneeling on the floor, your upper body and head slumped backwards, lifeless eyes gazing at the ceiling.
Suddenly a cacphony of sounds attacks your eardrums, shouting, a thunderstorm of shots, bullets whirring and ricocheting, hits, groans, blood squirting, all in one second.
Lag got you.
Lag got you AGAIN!

You wake up in your hab to the beeping of your mobiglass. Next to your avaiable aUEC counter, which reads 130, there is new mission is available. You open your eyes just enough to make out the word: Kareah.
You swing your arm into the hard metal edge of your bed, smashing the 'glass into a shower of shards.
For the first time in days, you sleep well.

I've spent 2+ hours typing out this garbage, open that Spoiler and read the damn thing!

Still TLDR:

Lag kills you all the time, the AI lags behind but is in god mode at the same time, shotguns are useless at any range except zero, ammo management is kinda broken with half reloaded mags, you lose lots of money if you die cos you lose your gun, basic starter package players are effed, again, cos they will run out of money attempting this mission, really really fast, and they got nothing else to do on their own apart from deliveries which are mostly broken and boring as F after a few.

Star Citizen is becoming more and more of a real playable game, and thus it' get's harder and harder to look past all the bugs and halfassed incomplete features. They most likely have way more advanced gameplay and fixes for the issues I described already working, up and running internally in an isolated system, but far from being at a stage that it could be implemented for us. That is why they won't fix pirate space combat missions for quiet a while yet, or add low-tier soloable content.
I don't really actually mind that the Kareah mission is basically unplayable for someone with an "unlucky connection" (by getting a busy/laggy server, or just shitty network in general). Also, again for those with a lower budget, and wanting to do some low-level basic stuff alone, being unable to do literally anything apart from delivery missions, is kinda bad. At least give us some 1player vs 2 pirate auroras style of missions or something... It would be fun for many many players. Yes I get it that this is an MMO, and we should group up. But I don't think we should be forced to group up for Everything in the game. Spending 15-20 minutes to get 3-4 players together to then do a 5 minute content for a low reward is not realistic or good game design IMHO.
3.3.5 will mix up everything again, and things will change ofcourse. So I'm not actually angry. I'm just too passionate about it cos it's getting sooo friggin good!
It's just hard to not get fed up with the game being as awesome as it is, and as bad as it is at the same time.

Cheers, and thank you if you read all this mess lol!


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
All the points you raise are valid. My view is that progress is going to be very "uneven" as they address crucial needs first, and then put band-aids on things that break general game-play. They'll return to fix all the band-aided stuff later, but in the mean time they are also introducing new content and tech, which breaks some of the previous stuff, so they address crucial needs first, and then apply band-aids...lather, rinse, repeat...

Shitty internet connections are another matter, and I believe a number of people will have this problem. I'm not sure exactly what CIG can do about this, but they will have to address it. Hopefully Amazon will also have some tools up their sleeves to help out.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
You summed it up pretty well!
I would like them to slap some band aids on some of the things I mentioned and I would expect to see them before they reveal something like a new game mechanic no one asked for yet. I hope they get delivery missions kinda working at least for 3.3.5 so I'll have a gameplay loop through which I can earn enough for a ground vehicle...
Chris said in his speech at citcon that they are running a live game now, so they will try to act accordingly. This gets more and more important as the game's stability, performance, and content improves and grows. More players will try to do more things, and if they run into walls, whether it's cos of technical issues, balance, social, or budget related, they won't like it. It's harder to swallow that this is still something in development, when it's starting to look like an actual product.
I can only hope that CiG can keep up with the demand and deliver on playability improvements sooner than later!
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
You summed it up pretty well!
I would like them to slap some band aids on some of the things I mentioned and I would expect to see them before they reveal something like a new game mechanic no one asked for yet. I hope they get delivery missions kinda working at least for 3.3.5 so I'll have a gameplay loop through which I can earn enough for a ground vehicle...
Chris said in his speech at citcon that they are running a live game now, so they will try to act accordingly. This gets more and more important as the game's stability, performance, and content improves and grows. More players will try to do more things, and if they run into walls, whether it's cos of technical issues, balance, social, or budget related, they won't like it. It's harder to swallow that this is still something in development, when it's starting to look like an actual product.
I can only hope that CiG can keep up with the demand and deliver on playability improvements sooner than later!
I want them to add player station building, and those stations should be able to mass produce ships with a license/permit.
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