The Deadliest Fighter

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Thought I add a extra comment on Vanguard vs Hurricane... (S-Hornet)

There is only one way the Hurricane gonna win against a Vanguard if it can unload all it's payload before the Vanguard see the Hurricane coming and that is highly unlikely it's ever gonna happen. Thing is Vanguard is a tank it can take so much beating and still come out wining from the most horrific attacks as so can the S-Hornet both are like tanks not so fast but very strong.

The Hurricane on the other hand would for shore be a dust cloud if a Vanguard get just a couple good hit on it making it inoperable then taking it out with a final blow. For as I said and as it have been stated, the Hurricane have no armor what so ever and a very weak shield it is made so to give room for the big guns and It don't even have a fast strong engine or big fuel tank for the same reason it is pretty fast in a straight line but lack the agility and engine power for fast maneuvers.

Vanguard on the other hand is build as a tank and got thick heavy armor and super strong shield and a massive load out and is surprisingly fast for it size with a huge fuel tank and can out run a S-hornet in a straight run or beat it to dust in a head to head fight but in a dogfight it will be different.

The S-Hornet have a strong armor too and very good shield, so strongest ship able to fly single of this three and take in to account we have identical equally good pilots in all ships ("just counting the ship as the strength and not the pilot").

It would be a tight match between Vanguard and S-Hornet who win is kinda 50/50, but the Hurricane wouldn't last the first counter attacks from any of the other. And that is the hard fact about the Hurricane just taking in to account the ships fire power forgetting all else is not a good thing...

Just pointing out the facts... :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers:
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I just don't want to see a skilled pilot with a flight simulator setup (pedals, dual joy, etc) get outgunned by a mouse user with a mouse, keyboard, and gimbals. . .
Yes, but you understand if the only people flying gimbals are keyboard users, everyone who chooses to do something else chooses the consequences of that decision. We all know gimbals will point faster than ships, and some ships like the Vanguard rotate too slowly to dogfight, so if you choose to fly less guns on the chin mount, and choose keyboard and mouse just because there is no other plausible way, let the HOTAS users beware. IMHO.

For the sake of being fair, I also took the liberty of reducing my choices to the fighters that could be flown solo. So the possibility of locking the turret on both the Super Hornet and the Hurricane left them in the running.
CIG is still saying you should have serious advantage with any turret and the most advantage with a player in the turret, but that an NPC in a turret will still be a better option than locking the turret forward. The Hurricane has the firepower of 2 heavily armed fighters. I think it is going to prove most advantageous where you have limited flight deck space, like with with the Carrack and Polaris, or in ambush situations where one small ship's radar silhouette will go unnoticed but two might not.

Attacking from ambush the Hurricane is going to be a nightmare.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Well they said using Hurricane in a group of Hurricanes during a attack would enhance it's possibilities to succeed and survive the attack, they also stated in AtV some time ago that a lone Hurricane is like a sitting duck on a field no matter if it is doing a lone surprise attack even tho it got a insane load out with guns the hull is seriously weak against any attack or hits on it.

Hence the nickname "Glass Canon" that it got just because of that.

I don't have a doubt that the Hurricane will be a fearsome dangerous attack fighter, but only in a group of Hurricanes a lone pilot in a Hurricane is most likely domed to fail, This is from what I heard the dev. say about it during Q&A and different chats and video shows and as such it's also said to be a ship for a very special skilled pilot type.

And I don't doubt this one bit, so do not hold the Hurricane to high up on a pedestal, it might come down hard and hit you in the butt..
I like the Hurricane a lot and will have one but I am well aware of it's strongest weakness which make it a death trap to fly alone, don't let the size and amount of guns on it fool you. It is a seriously weak ship in armor and shield.. that can come back and bite you.

CHEERS! :beer::beer::beer:
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I concur with many oif the thoughts here: what YOU are the best/most comfortable flying is the deadliest. That being said, the SH and the Sabre cannot be denied they're place as amazing dog-fighters. I wish now that I owned one, haha.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah! Hurricane is a good locking ship I like it a lot, to bad it is such a weak ship on its own...
It only got the smallest size one power plant and shields and no armor.
I mean they are not even a full size one, not even the Dragon fly have that bad shield ha ha..
So my initial thought is big guns isn't everything if the cost is you can't escape a hit yourself
But maybe, maybe... I might change my opinion after I tried it out... hmm.. tough one this is.. :beers:
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Grand Admiral
May 29, 2016
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I seriously hope this is the case. I have been very vocal on CIG's forums in the past about this involving one particular aspect, fly by mouse. Right now, it is extremely user friendly to use the mouse to aim your gimbals and have your ship sort of "auto-follow". So basically you're aiming the gimbals and the ship just autofollows to accommodate your aim.

Now, that's not particularly bad. It's just not what I personally was hoping for. I was hoping for a game that allowed for player skill specializations. I wanted to see a game that could be played almost exclusively from a skill perspective. If someone was really good at FPS, they could play almost entirely as a crew member and make their reputation as a combat specialist. If someone was a skilled pilot, they could play almost exclusively from the pilot seat and make their reputation as an ace. Likewise, if someone was amazing at racing, they could make their name in the racing tournaments.

Of course, they could be capable crossing over with a reasonable level of success. I just don't want to see a skilled pilot with a flight simulator setup (pedals, dual joy, etc) get outgunned by a mouse user with a mouse, keyboard, and gimbals simply because CIG is trying to make every aspect work for every person. So instead of the current meta of whatever has the biggest guns on gimbal with the best armor, I would like to see the final product allow for flight skill to take a major role.

Player skill should be rewarded, not nerfed. The world around us is dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can participate and feel like they won. I don't want to see that happen in this game. I think that participation awards and safe spaces are the most ridiculous ideas and have no place in SC. We're not playing "hello kitty: island adventure". We are playing Star Citizen. There be pirates...

Disclaimer #1: I have yet to try head tracker ir or get my Rift in on the action. It's entirely possible that head tracking with Hotas or dual joy might end up the new meta.

Disclaimer #2: I am also getting a head start on the angry old man statements like "back in my day...." and "get off my lawn!".
Couldn't agree with everything you said more. The only thing i can think (and hope) is that balance has been put off until the new patcher is implemented.
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