The Ghost in the Shell


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
GiTS is what got me into anime when I used to work at Blockbuster. We had a coworker movie night and he put in GiTS and I was hooked. Next movie night we watched Boondock saints. Another great movie.
It angers me to no end.. to see some hollywood asshole bastardize the purity of the original.
EG Dragonball evolution, All street fighters except anything from the assassins fist group, Avatar last airbender. I'm sure there's other's I've blocked out from memory for being such a bad recreation of an existing franchise.

If this movie doesn't blow me away conceptually in thought and intrigue.. inspiring the hours of discussion the original GitS brought up... I'll be disappointed. I'm already disappointed that the edgy-ness was removed because Scarjo won't go nude... which honestly I don't think I would want to see her nude. And whats w/ the girl on girl scene? All though many may like the idea, I think it has no place in the film. ... the more I dissect the trailer.. the more angry I get... the run in and gun scene? LAME.. this isn't Equilibrium where Gunfu is the main story gimmick.. Major is a fucking bad ass that doesn't need to run in and gun close range. Why would it be so wrong with Major assassinating a political target in the opening scene.. THAT'S WHAT SHE FUCKING IS! AGGHHHHRRRRRRRGGGGG! see... more fing angry.
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