The Lazerbeam Foundation ship buying extravaganza!

So many choices......

  • Reliant Kore

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Merlin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Mustang Series(Specify Below)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Avenger Series(Specify Below)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Mpuv Series(Specify Below)

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Cutlass Series(Specify Below)

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Origin 300-325(Specify Below)

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Gladius

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Dragonfly

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Aurora Series(Specify Below

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


Space Marshal
Aug 19, 2014
RSI Handle
This day, the 29th of August, 2016, I, Chet Lazerbeam won the lottery. Sure it was only $250(and after taxes ~210). But my heart swells with joy knowing sometime in the near future I will acquire a new ship with the help of you, my faithful and steadfast friends. Now, please regale me with stories of triumph in the cockpit or pilot's seat of any ship less than or equal to the above specified amount and I will choose my new intergalactic steed accordingly!



Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I would say a couple argos, then you can upgrade any ships to LTI. example, a freelancer dur would give you a great all around ship. transport, cargo, exploration and packs a heck of a punch.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
Kidding aside, you could get Argos as LTI tokens and sit on them until the anniversary sale when the limited ships become available.
This is what I was thinking. There are both the inevitable citizen con sale in October (new concept ships maybe), and then of course the anniversary sale in November when most of the ships should be on sale. Between the two, almost every ship should be on sale and possibly a few we haven't seen yet.

Right now, you can get an Argo with lifetime insurance for $35 that can be CCU'd to any ship at any time when that ship goes on sale. That's why I bought a "handfull" of them. I fully expect to be able to fill out the remainder of my fleet before the year's up and all of them should have LTI at that point. Even if you just bought one and saved the rest of the money for later, you will have a much better selection as the year comes to a close. This way, you will also have that ship with LTI as well.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
This is what I was thinking. There are both the inevitable citizen con sale in October (new concept ships maybe), and then of course the anniversary sale in November when most of the ships should be on sale. Between the two, almost every ship should be on sale and possibly a few we haven't seen yet.

Right now, you can get an Argo with lifetime insurance for $35 that can be CCU'd to any ship at any time when that ship goes on sale. That's why I bought a "handfull" of them. I fully expect to be able to fill out the remainder of my fleet before the year's up and all of them should have LTI at that point. Even if you just bought one and saved the rest of the money for later, you will have a much better selection as the year comes to a close. This way, you will also have that ship with LTI as well.
I did this when the Dragonflies were for sale. Melted my fleet and stocked up on LTI tokens and then melted them again and re-bought them so I'd have several sitting in my buy-back list. I've been melting and CCUing them ever since. I kind of doubt LTI will be such a big deal when game is up and running, but when it's so relatively cheap, why not?
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Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
I kind of doubt LTI will be such a big deal when game is up and running
This is true. There was that whole pay to win argument a while back. They did say that the LTI thing would be a very minor thing and that the insurance payments would be very minimal. However, I think this is only going to be the case at the beginning.

Just look at the usual economy issue that most MMO's have. They have currency creep. It exists in almost every game. To compensate, they typically need to create money sinks. There are the usual things with repairs, consumables, and vanity items. With SC, you add insurance to that list. When currency creep happens, all of these will go up. Ammo will become more expensive. Repairs will cost more. Vanity items will increase in cost and right along with all of them, insurance.

So what starts out as a minor thing, could turn out to be a pretty big deal over time. Especially for those with large fleets. This isn't even taking into account other possible avenues. What if CIG decides to create space-SR22 insurance premiums for excessively bad driving because people decided to use auroras as zombie waves of player guided missiles and swarm down a bengal...


Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
So what starts out as a minor thing, could turn out to be a pretty big deal over time. Especially for those with large fleets.
This is why I only go for LTI. It may not be a huge deal, but I have a lot of ships.
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