I swear I made one of these already but where has it gone...
Well here goes again,
my handle is FlyingSpaceMonkey and I'm from Los Angeles but will be moving to Sandpoint ID in a couple of months.
What drew you to Star Citizen?
I dunno, it just looks so freaking amazing through and through. I haven't been much into gaming recently and didn't have a PC until I saw videos on SC last August. Everything that I saw on it got me so excited that I created an account at RSI even though I no way of playing at the time. Earlier this month I build a gaming PC, my first...and bought a starter package about a week ago. THIS GAME RULES!
What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
I'm really excited about all the possibilities. The whole reason this game is so awesome is that you don't have to be pigeon holed into one particular thing. I'm actually really looking forward to starting the game with my Aurora LN and build a fleet of ships and possibilities from scratch.
What was the first game you remember playing?
My very first game was playing NES Super Mario Brothers fresh off the boat from France.
What other games do you play?
Fluxx? Does that count??
Kirk or Picard? That's a good one...I'll have to go with the Brit playing a Frenchman.