I think this is absolutely beautiful. Before yesterday's live stream I was kind of torn. I loved everything MISC was about, I loved how the Freelancer, being so versatile, was the go-to ship for undecided people like me, who had no idea what they really wanted to do in the 'verse. What I didn't like about it was the fact that it looked second hand, like it had already been owned for a while (all roughed up, nothing like a ship that just came out of the factory), those shade of washed up blue and also the shape of the middle portion of the ship.

I feel that what they've done with it really gives it the MISC look. They lowered it (that front leg / access stairway looked awkward), gave it a shiny silver-ish plating and remade the interior to streamline it with the way all MISC ships look and feel in the interior.
New and improved Freelancer, I love you and I will never let you go. <3
EDIT: Photo source @RSI.
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