The next frontier of TESTploration

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
We had a conversation on here a long while back where I basically said ships should be jam-packable for short range evac missions, but anything outside of that would harm those aboard. I suggested it would be in relation to the Quantum drive and it's ability to function without using all the Qfuel without moving or the design of the ship working with the Qdrive and allowing certain capacities or it explodes or poisons or somthing.

Nice to see I seem to think in a similar manner to CIG.

Further to that:

In our discussion we also pointed out that if you double the amount of crew, if they live in their space-suits the on-board life support would not be impacted. so if you have a crew limit of 5, you could put another 5 in inside their space suits and not be harmed. If a suit has 10 minutes of EVA time, after that 10 minutes the other half of the passengers get their suits on and use their 10 minutes. So you'd have 20 free minutes, after that point the Life Support issue would then become a thing, but by then you've probably reached the next Cry Astro and have refilled the suits.

If you have a life-support capacity of 5 and want to carry 6, and each suit has 10 minutes, you can rotate and get a whole hour of perfectly normal consequence free conditions before the life-support thing becomes an issue.

Who is going to be the first one to max out their Auroras life support system so TEST can have one with a crew capacity of 8? :slight_smile:
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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle

It is obvious. We need to fit as many people into a ship as possible for SCIENCE!
What a great Idea ha ha.. Pack in as many as can fit, like a sardine box fit inside a polaris then activate self destruct and see how many survive... :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::joy:

All for science of cause :fingers_crossed: the odds of survival... :card_box: :nerd: :chart_with_downwards_trend::chart_with_upwards_trend:
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