Is their expense (cost/profit ratio). A good YouTube video is here:
If we compare ourselves to Xplore- the only organization larger than ours(12,477 total members with members to affiliates ratio of 1:3, we appear to have more full members), they report having: "XPLOR’s fantastic community has pulled off the impossible!! We have managed to crowd fund not 1, not 2, not 3, but 4 Javelin Destroyers! We now have 4 true capital ships." Which if they can get them manned and supported is fairly awesome. I know we have a carrier and at least 4 Idris', (a crew of 10 ,with 6 S5 manned turrets)but I don't know if we have any destroyers (1.5 times larger with a likely 12 manned turrets, and a crew of probably 18). This does not include Space Marines. We just need to be careful about cost to performance ratio , it may be better to have a bunch of Retaliators (crew 6, 5 S4 manned turrets and torpedoes) Knockout their guns and then boards them. I doubt they'll have enough Space Marines. I'm not suggesting we go to war with Xplore, in fact, they seem to be peace loving. But if we want to keep a home area and defend our mining operations, we need to think about our options. Although the destroyers are intimidating, it may, indeed, be more cost effective to blacken the skies with Auroras. And the advantage of a carrier is that we have a flexible fleet with movable and losable parts. All I'm saying is that we need to be careful about what we do.
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