The Rock Report June 2020

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle

Welcome back to another edition of The Rock Report. It’s been a long time since the last one but for good reason. The main one being the game just not being at the level to talk about much and overall slow progress. But now, maybe, after a few false starts we’re finally there. This Report will go through what has been going on recently, current goals and 2020 end prospects. In the meantime Welcome Aboard to everyone new that is joining us.

Industry Vision 2nd Half 2020/Early 2021

The April 2020 Monthly Report from CIG revealed a few significant items being worked on that will enable future development for the Division:

“They also began preliminary work on a new player trading app for mobiGlas. The first phase focuses on the ability to send currency between players, with later revisions extending to physical inventory items.
“System Design started implementing the new Refining Station kiosk. This will be used by players to convert their raw materials into refined goods that can be sold for higher prices (and in the future used to craft items). When live, players will have to take their mixed materials to a station with refining capabilities and then start a refining job. Based on the type of refining process, the materials they want to refine or discard, and how busy the refinery is, the player will pay a price and the job will begin. Refining will then run, even if the player is not present in the station or logged on. Once finished, the player will receive a notification and will be able to return to the station to collect their goods. Work continues on resource management and item control, with the team undertaking initial prototyping to ensure everything planned works correctly and will scale properly with future content.”
With these improvements coming in 3.10 and 3.11 the Division can begin to incorporate not just the searching and extraction of minerals but the processing and strategic selling of them as well. A mobiGlas trading app, refinery decks, and cargo decks(detailed in past ISCs) at space stations pave the way for the Division to start collecting mined resources through an Ore Purchase Program. Internal Logistics will transport the ore to the most profitable areas.Sales & Acquisitions Support will scout and sell the spoils while miners are back out in the field mining. The onus will no longer be on the individual to do everything from start to finish, unless they absolutely want to. These systems will support individual and group play while scaling accordingly. When player-player commodity trading is implemented a post detailing the purchase program will be made. This is all dependent of course on CIG staying on schedule though. Tl;dr for 2020/early 2021:
  • - Implement Ore Purchase Program(name WIP) to purchase mined ore from members at a better than local price.
  • - Implement Internal Logistics for the Division to take material to store/sell at most valuable locations.
  • - Implement Sales & Acquisitions Support for the Division to be purchase/sell agents at various locales, pricing scouts, and trend forecasting.
  • - Utilize sale profits to start a Ship Purchase Program for active members to expand fleets and capabilities.
In the meantime, servers willing, we’ll keep doing weekend events for people which leads into this next part…..

New Month Long Events & Future Competition

With the June month comes new opportunities.In addition to the regular weekend events, starting Saturday June 6th a thread will be posted in the RR forum. This first long event will run a month and be split into 4 weeks. Each week, if the goal is hit, then the top contributor will get a piece of subscriber flair, their choice. If this long event is a success then a 2nd one dealing with aUEC will be posted. This long event will work somewhat like a lottery with members donating a portion of their mining hauls to be put into a pool that will be drawn after a set time. Provided that CIG doesn’t massively reset anything, this could give the winner a big payoff at the end.

Finally, now that the Prospector Challenge is over it’s time to announce the next mega event for the Division though it is open to everyone in TEST. Sometime in July a post will go up detailing the Mole Miner Mining Competition. This will be a team only competition that will take place sometime in late July or early August depending on CIG’s patch schedule. 4 man teams only, but the prizes will be significant.

Rock Raider Discord Ranks

There are three ranks, Director, Foreman and Supervisor.Over the next couple months these will be given out to Industry focused individuals who show the qualities we’re looking for namely cat herding skills, getting along with people, and good game knowledge both in general and specific to Industry.

The Complete TEST Squadron Mining Guide v3.9

May 19 saw the release of the new Mining Guide for Alpha 3.9. While still unedited, it was good enough to post and get feedback on. It will be edited soon™. Please go read it and if there are any comments or suggestions you would like to throw out please post them in that thread. Mining Consumables, updated pictures, Quantanium, Volatile Cargo, more tips & tricks, and better organization of sections were a few of the new features. Future sections for 3.10 including Overclocking for components and Minerals in Detail to discuss various quirks of the minerals beyond what is readily available.

The Cargo Hauler Guide - WIP

This Guide is currently in progress and once it is finished should provide a solid foundation of information for the aspiring TEST member wanting to start their cargo hauling career. Currently, research is ongoing in order to produce the best first version of this Guide as possible with the goal of having it out before 3.10. Some writing in relation to Courier missions has begun though with revisions being made every time I read it.

Salvage Update

You may have seen the recent Calling all Devs that aired May 29th. It was all about Salvage. While no hint was given about ‘when’ its coming they did detail what is being worked on now to get the game at state where the mechanic itself can really be worked on in full. A very good video and highly recommended to watch. Someday we’ll be able to dust off the Reclaimer and have some fun with it.

Looking Forward

If you’ve gotten this far reading I thank you. I think the rest of the year for the game is looking better than the first half has gone,recert server issues notwithstanding. There is a lot to be excited about for the rest of the year as long as there isn’t some new major natural disaster like Yellowstone erupting or CIG getting even further behind schedule. With CitizenCon not happening this year, we can hope that more energy and focus will be put forward to more low hanging fruit and see a better play experience being developed the rest of this year and early next. Anyone that knows me knows I can’t wait for the Mercury and Hercules.I know the first section of this Report will spawn some questions which I’ll try to answer as best I can in this thread so please ask away.

In the meantime, keep mining, keep hauling, keep playing. I’ll see you in the verse,

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